Women & Education EMBLUR Ann Armstrong
November 20092
Educating Women Greater economic success Lower birth rate According to a Swedish study of 1.5 million working adults, a man whose partner only had a high school education had a 25% chance of dying earlier than a man with a university- educated partner The better educated the woman, the longer both live! November 20093
Brains – Different? According to some OECD research, no study has shown that there’s a gender- specific difference in the processes involved in building up neuronal networks during learning Girls and boys learn in the same way Behavioural differences are taught! November 20094
Organizations - Differences According to a Catalyst study, organizations with a higher representation of women in senior positions financially outperform those with proportionately fewer women at the top November 20095
Women – MBAs in Europe According to another Catalyst study (2009), in Europe, only 26 percent of women MBAs were promoted compared with 44 percent of men, according to a global study on high potential business school graduates between 1996 and 2007 Reflective of gender-based stereotyping and women's exclusion from informal business networks November 20096
Mentoring November 20097
Women Walking Worldwide 2009 Global Women’s Mentoring Walk “Organized as a series of localized community events, the walks will convene established women leaders and rising women professionals to walk together in their communities and engage in discussions regarding their professional challenges and successes.” Source: global-womens-mentoring-walk/ November 20098
Resources/References education-impacts-longevity-for-both-sexes-research education-impacts-longevity-for-both-sexes-research contentMDK: ~menuPK:617572~pagePK:148956~piPK:216618~t heSitePK:282386,00.html November