String family Dana uhl January Insert Pictures of Instruments on this slide -Format Backround or slide design to add color
How Sound is produced in instrument family
Instruments guitarviolin viola Double bass
Instrument 1 Type sentence about instrument 1 here. Include details such as how long the instrument is. Place picture here showing a instrument. Place sound file of instrument playing here
Instrument 2 Type sentence about instrument 2 here. Include details such as how long the instrument is. Place picture here showing a instrument. Place sound file of instrument playing here
Instrument 3 Type sentence about instrument 3 here. Include details such as how long the instrument is. Place picture here showing a instrument. Place sound file of instrument playing here
Instrument 4 Type sentence about instrument 4 here. Include details such as how long the instrument is. Place picture here showing a instrument. Place sound file of instrument playing here
Orchestra Seating Chart Place picture of seating chart here. Place a circle over where your family sits.
Pictures and Sounds Place additional pictures and sounds on this slide.