What is Effective Science Teaching?
Objectives Identify & describe differences between classrooms where teachers have different views or beliefs about science. Describe science in terms of the construction of knowledge Relate important elements of scientific literacy in a web diagram Describe why science is an essential part of any educational experience Identify the characteristics of effective science teaching
Exploring your ideas What does a scientist look like? What does a scientist do?
Is this a Scientist?
New Perceptions??
Who's the Scientist? "A scientist is hardworking, studious, detail-oriented, observant, intelligent, exacting, and patient. When I think of a scientist, I think of someone who…. Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab. Seventh graders describe scientists before and after a visit to Fermilab. A lesson on the images of science from Science NetLinks The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences Women of Science Web Connections
The Child Scientist… Asks Questions What do birds do at night? When do trees eat? Explores Mud puddles Everything “Science happens every time a child purposely steps into a puddle or asks a question about the night sky.”
Science learning depends upon… how the student perceives events what information is encountered the student's prior knowledge The Constructivist Approach – science learning is the student’s construction of meaning interpreted in terms of his/her prior knowledge. - What do you believe??
Science in the Classroom National Science Education Standards – Chapter 3: Science Teaching Standards at ml ml Note the characteristics that are emphasized in the Science Teaching Standards – teachers as… guides – facilitators models of the scientific process creators of a safe learning environment Anything Else??
Scientific Literacy Reference – 21st Century Skills at Why is Scientific Literacy essential for students? Maybe…science provides a wonderful method/tool for people to use the tools for learning: mathematics, reading, writing, and technology. Maybe…science provides experiences through which students can develop the thinking skills that are the foundation of reading, writing, mathematics, and technology
What Science is NOT… Science is NOT a body of facts to be memorized. Science incorporates a process – it involves doing – it is an action verb, NOT a noun
What is Science Survey True or False Scientists have already found answers to most of the questions about nature. Scientists make observations using their senses. Our senses often play tricks on us. American scientists have made few contributions to science. As a rule men make better scientists than women. Scientists are too busy at their work to have much fun.
What is Science Survey A Scientists have no definite method they can follow when they set out to solve a problem. After making a discovery scientists must also try to find ways to use it. Tools for taking accurate measurements are essential to the scientists' work. Science has been part of human existence since our earliest ancestors thousands of years ago. A scientist can make a general conclusion after an experiment once. When I graduate I would like to choose a career in a field related to science or technology. Science has played a great part in improving our standard of living. Scientists often make errors and become frustrated because their experiments are not successful.
Characteristics of Effective Science Teaching Classroom Environment – that fosters critical thinking in a safe and motivating climate Exemplary Teachers – that create meaningful learning experiences Use of supplemental materials – NOT just the textbook Varied instructional strategies Hands-on, investigative approach Use of technology Use of collaborative learning Varied assessment strategies
Characteristics of Effective Science Teaching A Student Actions – the processes of science Observation – use of senses to gather information The honing of those skills Concern – students observe the real world using what they already know Observation Activity