LNVH –for a proportional representation of women within the university community in all ranks Catholijn M. Jonker President of LNVH Dutch Network of Women Professors
EU LEAFLET SHEFIGURES 2015 (JULY 30, 2015) "Women continue to be vastly under-represented in top positions within the Higher Education Sector" - Opening statement of the EU SHEFigures 2015 ISBN doi: /
Opening academic year Gender (im)balance in academia in the Netherlands: 1) Figures, facts and prospects from the Monitor Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren 2) Actions LNVH – Dutch Network of Women Professors 3) LNVH Research highlighted
Percentage of women professors (Grade A Academic Positions) in EU27 countries in 2002 and 2010 Monitor 2012:
Gender distribution of enrolled students, graduates, PhD students, assistant professors, associate professors and full professors at the end of 2002 and 2012
Percentage of women professors by universities in 2011 and 2012
Percentage of women professors and female students by academic field in
Prospects: Increase in the percentage of women in different positions between with an extrapolation to the year where gender balance is achieved
Network of over 850 women professors and associate professors Monitor policy making - Change the institutions Empower women (and male) scientists Provide figures, statistics and knowledge Raise awareness Dutch Network of Women Professors Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren (LNVH)
Activities (excerpt) Symposia and events – Pump your career (with NWO) – 19 Nov 2015 Monitor Vrouwelijke HL Visit Boards of Universities and UMC Intervision, mentoring Database: names for vacancies for higher positions Research and publications
Focus for the coming years Monitor – facts & figures Awareness from Boards to section leaders Educate the young (BSc, MSc, PhD schools) – Awareness of biases – Gendered Innovation Culture change together with male ambassadors Internationalisation Smart agreements with consequences
LNVH – Research Tenure Track Policies at Dutch Universities prof. dr. E. Demerouti, ir. P.J.R. van Gool en dr. S. Rispens – TU/Eindhoven Legal limitations and opportunities for temporary special arrangements, i.e. preferential treatment, to enhance the percentage of women professors prof. dr. B. Sloot – Open Universiteit Gender (im)balance on executive and supervisory boards of Dutch universities and University Medical Centers Prof. dr. Mijntje Lückerath, drs. Laurens-Jan de Kroon - TiasNimbas
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