National Engineers Week
F u t u r e C i t y C o m p e t i t i o n
Manhattan Academy of Technology
Spring Creek City
National Engineers Week Future City Competition 2011 New York City Region Manhattan Academy of Technology Spring Creek City
Intro Location: upstate New York Population: 90,000 Attraction: Self sustainable (food and energy) Several renewable energy sources Recycling center
Sky Farms and Energy Food is produced by sky farms Excess food is sold to other cities City uses clean energy 2 different renewable energy sources Rain water is collected
Transportation Main way of transportation is biking Many bike lanes Unique bus Cable cart- (senior center to hospital) Underground parking
Spring Creek City
Informational Card
Sky Farm with Solar Panels
The Cable Cart
The City School
A Judge Asking Us Questions
Transporting the Model
Main Judging
Receiving an Award
Group Picture
Building the model
Research Paper The paper gave special aspects of health care Made us think about health solutions instead of complaining about how bad it is Thinking of possible ideas was hard because we needed to invent a new product
Sim City Simulation Meeting the requirements of the competition was challenging It took a lot of trial and error as well as patience The game gave us major aspects of city planning
Opinions and Thoughts: We learned about city planning We learned about architecture from our mentor and workshops The work before the model was very difficult We also learned about sky farms and agriculture