Michigan’s Long-Term Care Connections Stakeholder Forum Update June 25, 2007 Nora Barkey Office of Long Term Care Supports and Services
A Briefing Today’s Focus Partnership for Information and Assistance Terry Thomma, UPCAP Chuck Logie, WMLTCC Susan Howell, Community Access Line Questions Break Summary January through April Activities PA 634 Questions
Activities Summary ServicesJanFebMarchApril I & A calls2,0461,7451,9641,930 Options Counseling cases opened Outreach activities
Public Act 634 The director of the department of community health shall designate and maintain locally or regionally based single point of entry agencies for long-term care that shall serve as visible and effective access points for individuals seeking long-term care and that shall promote consumer choice and quality in long-term care options.
The department of community health shall require Provide consumers and any others with unbiased information promoting consumer choice for all long-term care options, services, and supports. Facilitate movement between supports, services, and settings in a timely manner that assures consumers' informed choice, health, and welfare
Public Act 634 Assess consumers' eligibility for all Medicaid long- term care programs utilizing a comprehensive level of care assessment approved by the department of community health Assist consumers in obtaining a financial determination of eligibility Assist consumers in developing their long-term care support plans through a person-centered planning process Authorize access to medicaid programs for which the consumer is eligible and that are identified in the consumer's long-term care supports plan.
Long Term Care Supports Plan history and strengths individual preferences and desires functional needs: LOCD/health financial and benefits status informal supports (family, friends, neighbors) and current services options—unbiased detailed information on an array of options, including but not limited to service environment, quality, risks, limitations, and capacity goals and actions evaluate how available long term care options meet identified goals
LTCC is mandated to conduct the LOCD New LOC, TIG and Waiting List Policy is being written Draft is out for comment Policy will be issued September 1 st Implementation October 1, 2007.
Elements of Draft LOCD policy Within LTCC regions LOC’s will be conduct by LTCC staff LOCD will be needed for new and change of condition Telephone Intake Guideline will be conducted by LTCC Waiting list will be transferred to LTCC Electronic system use is not settled
Michigan’s Long-Term Care Connections