Honors Biology Period 1,3,4/5 ◦ ATB: Take out your notebooks ◦ Scientific method and COL test Tomorrow ◦ If you finish the assignment early, please study for your test.
Essay question for test ◦ You may use all of your notes to complete this essay. ◦ Create a rough draft in your notebook. ◦ Final copy is due when you enter class tomorrow. ◦ Make sure you answer ALL PARTS of the question. ◦ The topic of the experiment will be provided for you. ◦ It is highly suggested that you have a friend or family member proofread your essay before you turn it in. ◦ You may type your essay if you would like but this is NOT REQUIRED. ◦ You will have the entire class period to work on your essay today.
Design an experiment (Write this down!!!) ◦ design and experiment to answer the experimental question. (on next slide) ◦ identify ◦ Hypothesis ◦ Controlled variables (at least three) ◦ dependent and independent variables ◦ Procedure (How would you conduct the experiment?) ◦ possible outcomes ◦ what type of data would be gathered. ◦ Make sure that you answer the question in paragraph form. ◦ Final copy must me neat and scribble free.
Possible Topics (you must choose 1) ◦ Does Rogaine improve hair growth? ◦ Does the size of a fish tank determine how large a fish will grow? ◦ Does aspirin keep cut roses fresher longer? ◦ Will crickets chirp more if the temperature is warmer? ◦ Do wounds heal faster when they are covered by Band-Aids? ◦ Does hot water freeze faster than cold water? ◦ What causes leaves to fall in autumn (light, temperature, or both)? ◦ Do tanning beds cause skin cancer? ◦ Which battery lasts longer, energizer or duracell?