Synchronize Your Gears What gear are you in?
The Big Picture Where we’ve been. Where we are. Where we are going.
Family & Consumer Sciences – Be proud of what’s been accomplished! Then Now Life Expectancy 47.3 years77.8 years Education Beyond High School 1.9%26.6% Goals Improve Quality of Life Prepare students for the work of the family and careers.
Gears in the System… Birth-12 Certification Individual and Family Community and Career Process Skills Family Focus Courses Career Focus Courses Dual Purpose Courses Show Me Goals and Standards FCCLA Program of Study
Program of Study is NOT a Dirty Word! We are ahead of other curriculum areas. We are LEADERS and we want to stay that way. Program credibility. Focusing on a career path will provide more opportunities for your students AND your Family and Consumer Sciences program.
What Does PoS Mean to You? Missouri has chosen the Career Clusters Framework to organize and implement its programs of study
Career Path Career Cluster Career Pathway
The Relationships of Career Clusters and Program of Study Career Cluster – NATIONAL (Human Services) An organizing tool that groups occupations and careers based on common knowledge and skills. Career Path – STATE (Human Services) Missouri’s model for career development. Career Pathway (Early Childhood Development & Services) Listings of occupations that share advanced technical skills and/or common roles within a career cluster. Program of Study (To be developed at the local level.) A systematic framework for a new way of doing business in our high schools, colleges, and universities. Personal Plan of Study To be developed at the local level for individual students. A student’s scope and sequence of coursework and co-curricular experiences.
What does this mean…. A student’s personal plan of study should reflect a program of study, but it should also be individualized for that student’s career interests. It’s more than a job, it’s a career choice for students. This provides our students with opportunities to focus on a career path. Establishing career path relevance can help to justify your program.
How Does FCCLA Fit In? FCCLA incorporated into a personal plan of study can develop personal qualities such as leadership and teamwork. Leadership skills that students learn in your classroom through FCCLA activities can be assessed and used to further justifty your program.
Deadline – Deadline - Deadline The deadline for the implementation of this process…. Within the next 3 years
What does this mean for you? Refresh, Energize, and Unite You don’t have to make these changes on your own… Family and Consumer Sciences teachers will have the opportunity to support and encourage each other in the design and implementation of curriculum and programs of study. All Family and Consumer Sciences programs across the state will be united. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Small and Large Family & Consumer Science Programs Rural, Urban, and Inner City Family & Consumer Science Programs
Reinforcing What We’re Already Using Process Skills Assess Critical Thinking Skills FCCLA Rigor & Relevance
We Want To Challenge You Get out of your comfortable “teaching zone.”
Data Drives What is Taught It is imperative that what you teach leads to a career. What does YOUR community need? Find out… Advisory committee Career data Employability skills
Know Your Stuff 30 Second Elevator Speech Be ready to talk with counselors. Be ready to talk with administrators. Be ready to talk with parents. Be ready to talk with students. Be ready……
Elevator Speech / 30 Second Speech Components of Work & Family Life Relationship Skills Human Development Health & Wellness Financial Competence Leadership Critical Thinking Problem Solving
Students can explore several career clusters and are employed in a variety of jobs. Human Services Education & Training Hospitality & Tourism Arts Manufacturing Sales
An integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences curriculum is the student organization Family, Career & Community Leaders of America. Learning leadership skills through FCCLA.
Get Informed….. Attend the Program of Study Module Training Seminars that are offered during this conference and around the region. Program & Courses – A New Look & Curriculum Writing Programs of Study Models Leadership Skill Development How to Develop a Program of Study History & Rationale for Change Creating Articulation Agreements
Program & Courses – A New Look & Curriculum Writing In this training module, you will learn…. Where to find market data (used to drive your program). How to contact your technical prep person. Availability of developed Programs of Study Sharing programs of study district to district, school to school You don’t have to re-invent the wheel Aligning curriculum to Missouri Competencies and National Standards. Making sure that you include rigor and relevance in your curriculum offerings.
Leadership Skill Development In this training module you will learn about… Core Leadership Skills Components The student benefits of leadership skill implementation (you’re already doing this). The community/school benefits of leadership skills implementation (you’re already doing this). How to justify your program by using leadership skills that you’re already teaching in your classroom!!
How to Develop a Program of Study In this training module you will learn… The 10 step process to implementing the program of study. Start to finish, how to put a program of study in place. How to recognize gaps in your current curriculum offerings.
History & Rationale for Change In this training module you will learn about… The reasons for the changes Federal, State, and Perkins legislation is driving these changes. Societal changes drives curriculum. Labor market data drives what is being taught and offered. Future will be family focused, career focused. Increase rigor/relevance. Improves FCS programs to prepare students for a viable careers
Creating Articulation Agreements In this training module you will get information regarding the benefits and process of articulation: Recognize that this is a good thing for our students and our state. This will help you to get administrative support. This will enable you to formulate collaborative groups to approach universities and junior/community colleges together.
Programs of Study Models - THE FINAL LINK - In this training module, you will learn…. How to put together all of the training pieces you’ve learned at the different training module workshops: How the components of the program of study will work for students in the community where you teach. Making a seamless educational program offering your students more opportunities. Helping students link current coursework with possible career pathways.
So….now what? What do we do with all of this information? What do we do with all of this information? Critical thinking, problem solving, and the process skills are still just as important as ever. They are the foundation of our curriculum. It’s easy to say we are using these skills every day in our classrooms but are we REALLY? Are we challenging our students each and every day to be an innovative and authentic learner?
It’s important that as leaders in the model for what education should be that each and every one of us remains constant in our teaching of these skills – remember we are models to others. We want to maintain our status as leaders of innovative thinking. Each person needs to stay diligent. We are ALL on the same path.