ME 142 Engineering Computation I Using Subroutines Effectively
Key Concepts Functions vs. Subprograms Using Subroutines Effectively Declaring Variables
Functions vs. Subprograms A Function is a self-contained program that receives input through arguments (or parameters), performs calculations, and returns a result A Subprogram is similar to a function, except it does not return a result
Functions vs. Subprograms Functions may be used in formulas or expressions Excel provides hundreds of built-in functions Functions return a result but may not write to other cells in the spreadsheet Subprograms may write directly to cells in the spreadsheet
Functions vs. Subprograms Functions are launched from a formula Subprograms may be launched from a button or as any macro Subprograms offer the most flexibility and power, including the use of custom dialog boxes
Using Subroutines Effectively Longer programs are commonly split up into smaller programs, sometimes referred to as subroutines Typical scenario: Main program passes information to a subroutine via argument list The subroutine performs calculations and returns results to main program
Sub MathOp() 'Demonstrates using subroutines 'Key Variables: ' Oper - math operation (* - + / ^) ‘Get input from spreadsheet A = Cells(1, 2) B = Cells(2, 2) Oper = Cells(2, 1) 'Call subroutine to perform calculation Call Calculate(A, B, Oper, C) 'Output results to spreadsheet Cells(3, 2) = C End Sub Sub Calculate(x, y, Oper, z) 'subroutine to perform math operation If Oper = "*" Then z = x * y ElseIf Oper = "-" Then z = x - y ElseIf Oper = "+" Then z = x + y ElseIf Oper = "/" Then z = x / y ElseIf Oper = "^" Then z = x ^ y Else MsgBox "Invalid Operation" z = "Error" End If End Sub
Declaring Variables VBA supports a variety of Data Types, the most common being: Integer Single precision real Double precision real String Variant
Declaring Variables If you don’t declare the data type for a variable, VBA uses the default data type of variant Data stored as variant changes types depending on what you do with it With variant data types, VBA automatically handles conversion Trade-off is you sacrifice speed and memory
Why Declare Variables Declaring variables makes your program run faster and use memory more efficiently You may “force” yourself to declare all variables by including “Option Explicit” as the first statement of your VBA module Option Explicit When this statement is present, you won’t be able to run your code if it contains any undeclared variables
Variable Declaration Examples Dim x As Integer Dim y As Single Dim z As Double Dim q As String Dim a As Single, b As Single, c As Single
Life of Variables Variables may declared at 3 levels Procedure Module All Modules For our purposes, Procedure variables will be sufficient
Procedure Variables Most efficient because VBA frees up the memory they use when the procedure ends To declare, simply use the Dim statement within the procedure Dim x as Single
Static Variables Static variables retain their value when the procedure ends Static B as Integer Could be used to keep a running total or track the number of times a program is called Variables are purged/reset when The workbook is closed or reopened The reset toolbar button is clicked When “end” statement/error message is executed