S 1 Annual Meeting 2013 Management and reporting (WP6) Chiara Bearzotti NACLIM project manager
S 2 Reports on the activities will be channelled from the partners to the PO and distributed then to the other partners The PO will likewise distribute to the partners relevant information obtained from sources outside the project Project office Project Office Partner 2 EC Partner 3 PP...Other projects End-users Requests/inputs Answers
PO monitoring project schedule
S 4 Reports and information flow Deliverables reports** - NACLIM scientists WP reports** - WP leaders Milestones achieved reports* - WP leaders Financial reports**- Financial officers partner level Project office European Commission Template made available Project summary report, data mgt report**- (PO) Template made available * To be reported at due dates indicated in DOW **To be reported together at project month 18,36,51
S 5 Deadline: Due to the project office by 30 March 2014 Templates: available in the intranet in January Deliverable reports pm 18 Project office revising docs & requesting integrations to YOU EU revising docs & requesting integrations to US 30 March 2014 Submission to Project office 30 April 2014 Submission to Commission M
S 6 Deadline: Due to the project office by 14 April 2014 Templates: available in the intranet Work package reports March/ April Inputs from all WP participants Project office revising reports & requesting integrations to YOU EU revising reports & requesting integrations to US 14 April 2014 Submission to Project office 14 May 2014 Submission to Commission M
S 7 Interim financial report Deadline: submit to project office by 29 November 2013 Period covered: Costs incurred from May to October 2013 (6 months) No CFS (no auditors) No financial claim Tell your financial officers! Financial report Deadline: 14 May 2014 Period covered: Costs incurred from November 2012 to April 2014 (18 months) With CFS, with financial claim Tell your financial officers! CFS=Certificate of financial statement provided by auditor in situations regulated by FP7 financial rules First financial reports
S 9 1. External project review: a review is included in the grant agreement. This review has to take place by April 2014 at the latest. This is a scientific review and a project management review. We need to propose to the EC names of two or more independent reviewers for the project 2. Internal advisory panel: we need to appoint 3 international distinguished scientists to ensure external scientific evaluation of the project and links to other programme activities outside Europe 3. Annual Meeting 2014: with SPECS and EUPORIAS or just NACLIM? Hamburg, October 2014 Topics for decision
S 10 Goals: to ensure external scientific evaluation of the project and links to other programme activities outside Europe Members: 3 international distinguished scientists (rotating mechanism) Propose names! Tasks: Advising on the project’s scientific approach and orientation by liaison with the SSEC and the Coordinator Providing a link to related activities outside Europe Providing an international perspective of developments in the field of operational oceanography and to help monitor the overall progress and scientific achievements of the project Making recommendations for new actions and activities in this area International advisory panel (IAP)
S 11 Do not delay in answering requests from the project office Communication
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP ), under grant agreement n NACLIM
S 13 NACLIM governance structure Chiara Bearzotti
S 14 Project governance Steering Committee (SSEC) Governing board (GB) Gender Panel (GA) International advisory committee (IAP)
S 15 Goals: to ensure external scientific evaluation of the project and links to other programme activities outside Europe Members: 3 international distinguished scientists (rotating mechanism) Propose names! Tasks: Advising on the project’s scientific approach and orientation by liaison with the SSEC and the Coordinator Providing a link to related activities outside Europe Providing an international perspective of developments in the field of operational oceanography and to help monitor the overall progress and scientific achievements of the project Making recommendations for new actions and activities in this area International advisory panel (IAP)
S 16 Goal: steer the project, take appropriate decisions for steering the science and the partnership Members: Project coordinator Detlef Deputy coordinator Johann Core theme leaders Johann (CT1), Svein (CT2), Steffen (CT3), Mark (CT4) Steering committee (SSEC)
S 17 Goals: to ensure external scientific evaluation of the project and links to other programme activities outside Europe Members: 3 international distinguished scientists (rotating mechanism) Tasks: Advising on the project’s scientific approach and orientation by liaison with the SSEC and the Coordinator Providing a link to related activities outside Europe Providing an international perspective of developments in the field of operational oceanography and to help monitor the overall progress and scientific achievements of the project Making recommendations for new actions and activities in this area International advisory panel (IAP)
S 18 Goal: validates the major decisions concerning the project proposed by the SSEC Members: It is made up of representatives from all partners (1 vote per project partner) It is chaired by the Coordinator Tasks: Strategic orientation of the project Plan for using and disseminating the knowledge (and updates thereof) Changes in the consortium membership Changes in scientific plans relative to the initial agreed implementation plan Any alterations of the Consortium Agreement Acceptance/exclusion of new/former partners Governing Board (GB)
S 19 Goals: raise gender awareness Members: Laura, Marie-Noelle and Bogi (Technical support: Chiara) Tasks: Provide gender statistics and indicators Develop the NACLIM Gender Action Plan Give advice to the SSEC on its implementation Promote gender equality in recruitment Promote participation of women in courses, seminars and conferences Support the development of financial support systems for scientists with children to be able to participate in fieldwork Promote selection of working hours convenient for mothers Invite women to scientific/organizing committees. Gender Panel (GA)