Ongoing Research Skunk Works project Started before hydromod was mainstream Hydromod only Engineering challenge to solve agency processing problem for clients Approach reflects timing – private development driven Idea conceived prior to agency response
Development - Watershed Changes Urbanization changes watershed physiography Increased impervious area Connected surfaces Stormwater conveyance utilities The watershed becomes a freeway for the excess surface water
Hydromodification Change in watershed rainfall-runoff response caused by alterations to watershed physiography Reduced time to peak Higher peak flows Increased runoff volume More frequent flow events
Storm Response Basin response to a storm (hydrograph) is altered
Quantifying The Changes Hydromod effects are cumulative over time Commonly expressed as long term flow frequency diagram
The Problem Change to runoff pattern changes stream sediment transport and stream stability
Fix It Attempts MS4s in California have measures aimed at reducing hydromodification General measures – low impact development Specific measures – volume standards Smaller projects are easier – set standards Larger projects are harder – do a study LID, LID, LID, LID, LID...
Development Approach 1
Development Approach 2
Property Owner Perspective New MS4 requirements can be onerous Retention takes space LID can drive property use LID implementation standard vague Additional approval cycles It is all new No more studies please
Middle Ground Property owners are adjusting to new requirements Development plans altered mid-stream Uncertainty likely to persist even for properties at planning stages Implementations may be awkward for now
Hydrologic Wishful Thinking Hydromod process is complicated on a regional scale MS4 approaches seek to reverse or reduce physiographic changes to individual properties Effect on watershed scale is not certain – probably better, but still modified
Engineer’s Approach Solve a problem for the client Property development changes watershed subarea Runoff hydrograph is altered Restore original runoff hydrograph Use off the shelf ideas Catalytic converter for a property
Hydrograph Plastic Surgery Sculpt a post development hydrograph back into the shape of the pre development hydrograph
Increased Runoff Permanent storage is necessary
Ponds and Wetlands Ponds and Wetlands provide the basic structure for hydromod control
Necessary Elements and Beneficial Features Retention (volume control) Detention (shape control) Aesthetic feature Structurally isolated Water quality Retrofit potential Added value
Storage Configuration Pre Post hydrograph volume difference is stored Sub invert storage chops off front of hydrograph
Hydrograph Shaping Problem Once front part of incoming hydrograph is stored problem is reduced to reshaping
Hydrograph Reshaping – What We Know At any time we know … Incoming flow (chopped post development hydrograph) Target outflow (pre development hydrograph) Volume stored Basin geometry (WSEL)
Discretized Approach Discretize pre development hydrograph (target points) Match pre development storage and flowrate (outflow) at target points
Outlet Works Driven
Pond/Wetland Tuning Outlet works is adjusted to match pre development flow at each target point Rows of orifices added at each target WSEL to adjust total pond outflow Orifices not mandatory – may use weirs Tuning approach works great provided that pre development hydrograph is rising
Going Up Is Easy Pond volume (WSEL) is increasing Pre development flow is increasing Add more orifices
Engineering Decision Point Match pre development hydrograph on the way up Cross our fingers on the way down Examine cumulative process Normal approach
Normal Approach Regard Pond or Wetland as treatment control Tune pond or wetland for fundamental storm High frequency event Stream changing effects Adjust to obtain desired long term results Continuous simulation
Out of The Box Approach (Research) Seek to continue hydrograph sculpting on falling limb of pre development hydrograph Requires additional design element Idea conceived for wetlands diversion project
Latched Outlet Works Use a float mechanism to activate flapgate Open up or close off a portion of the outlet works Alter outlet works configuration Contour hydrograph on falling limb Hydrograph matching Agency approval may take work initially
Hydrograph Matching Discretized approach (target points) allows the discharge from the pond or wetland to closely match pre development hydrograph Moot point since hydrograph is matched for the fundamental storm Cumulative effects, long term simulation, and tuning is still required
Numerical Process Unit hydrograph convolution R1 = U1 *P1 R2 = U2*P1 + U1*P2 R3 = … Pond WSEL and pond geometry provide means to predict pre existing outflow for any storm
Hydrologic Undo Pond configuration maps incoming flow to project watershed precipitation pattern Pre development unit hydrograph is used to convert rain pattern to pre existing runoff which provides target outflow Goal is to convert post development project to pre development hydrology at the D/S end
Future World Goal is to match hydrographs for any storm Eliminate hydromod Ultra low impact development Agency rubber stamp Everyone happy