By: Macintosh 5.0
One of the great shifts in attitude in this decade has come about in the promotion of unleaded fuel to replace the dreaded leaded fuel. The issue of petrol and what to do about it has been the bane of environmentally minded people for half a century. The Change of Thinking
In the 1970s, unleaded fuels were introduced. From 1970 until 1990 lead was phased out. In 1990, the Clean Air Act created major changes on gasoline, rightfully intended to eliminate pollution. Timeline
Difference from Leaded Gasoline 1.Leaded petrol contains lead additives (i.e. TEL) while unleaded petrol doesn’t. 2.Leaded petrol creates more pollution than unleaded petrol. 3.Leaded petrol poses more of a health risk than unleaded petrol. 4.Unleaded petrol is available for public consumption while leaded petrol is banned.
Innovations A catalytic converter is a vehicle emissions control device that converts toxic pollutants in exhaust gas to less toxic pollutants by catalyzing a redox reaction. Catalytic converters are used in internal combustion engines fuelled by either petrol or diesel
The 1970s witnessed greater attention to the environmental consequences of burning gasoline. These considerations led to the phasing out of leaded fuel and its replacement by other antiknock compounds. Subsequently, low-sulfur gasoline was introduced, in part to preserve the catalysts in modern exhaust systems. Significance to Mankind
Unleaded gas can be one of the most hazardous combustibles in your garage. A cup of gasoline is enough to spark a huge fire and destroy your vehicle. At home. If you have to store gasoline in your garage, use only an approved, sealed container and clean any gasoline spills immediately. Hazards
"Hushed Up Dangers", Explore, Vol 5, No 5/6, S. Grose, "Choose Your Poison", Canberra Times, March 26, "Scientists Debate Carcinogenic Risk of Cars", Australian, August 13, G. Allum, "Is There an Old Car in Your Future?", Restored Cars, No 104/2005. D. Maddock, "Leaded V Unleaded Petrols", Australian Health & Healing, Vol 14/1. C. Simons, "The Lies of Unleaded Petrol", Nexus, April/May, June/July P. Sawyer, Green Hoax Effect, Groupacumen Publications, Victoria, References