In your composition book… On page 84 (LEFT) answer the following question: What is microbiology?
How many of you have ever visited the zoo? What did you see? How was the zoo structured? What was your favorite animal? Why? Draw a diagram of the zoo.
Coming Soon to a Person Near You! Understanding Microbes and Disease By: Shirley Grimsley
Rationale Microbes are a part of our lives every day. Some of them are good for us, some of them are harmful, and some of them are deadly. We need to understand the role microbes play in our lives and how to prevent diseases that are associated with them.
CLASSIFYING MICROBES Study the pictures of microbes provide by the teacher. With your group, decide on a way to classify the microbes pictured. Answer the following questions with your group. How did you classify the microbes? Show which microbes fit into each category and explain how they fit. If you had to classify the microbes in a different way, how would you group them?
Some Microbes in Our World ProtistsBacteriaVirus Entamoeba histolytica Streptococcus AIDS Many microbes in our world cause sickness and disease in animals and plants.
Protists Entamoeba histolytica Causes dysentery, a severe form of amebiasis associated with stomach pain, bloody stools, and fever. Plasmodium, a one-celled parasite transmitted by a mosquito. Causes malaria, which causes flu-like symptoms and intestinal problems. Plasmodium attacking a red blood cell
Bacteria Streptococcus Bacterium Causes strep throat, a painful sore throat and fever. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Causes tuberculosis, a highly contagious respiratory disease.
Viruses Orthomyxoviridae – Influenza virus Causes the flu, which is a respiratory infection that often causes the infected person to have a fever, headache, and body aches. Retroviridae - HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) Causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which is a deadly disease that attacks the human immune system.
How can you prevent the spread of diseases caused by microbes? #1 - Wash your hands. Top 5 ways to help prevent the spread of disease: #2 - Keep surfaces clean and disinfected. #5 - Use antibiotics correctly. #3 - Use care when preparing and handling food. #4 - Get immunized.
Evaluate: How are BACTERIA and VIRUSES alike?
Evaluate: How are BACTERIA and VIRUSES different?
Resources: AIDS Pathology – I obtained images of viruses from this site. The Big Picture Book of Viruses – I obtained images of influenza virus and HIV. Flu – NIAID Fact Sheet – I obtained information about influenza from this site. Handwashing – CDC – An Ounce of Prevention: Keeps the Germs Away – I obtained the video on hand washing from this site.
Resources, continued Malaria Brochure Epidemic – The World of Infectious Diseases l Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute – Press Release on DNA of the tissue destroyer - Genome clues to Amoebic Dysentery – I obtained an image and content information about Etamoeba Hystolytica.