Unit 4 – Part 1
DNA DNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid Basis for all living things Foundation for all diversity & unity on Earth Every living thing has DNA. That means that you have something in common with a zebra, a tree, a mushroom and a beetle!!!! DNA is too small to see, but under a microscope it looks like a twisted up ladder!
Frederick Griffith Discovers that a factor in diseased bacteria can transform harmless bacteria into deadly bacteria (1928) Rosalind Franklin X-ray photo of DNA. (1952) Watson and Crick described the DNA molecule from Franklin’s X- ray.(1953)
Nucleotide Small units that link together to form DNA Made of 3 parts ▪ Phosphate Group ▪ 5-C sugar molecule ▪ deoxyribose ▪ Nitrogen Base
Nitrogen (N) base N base makes nucleotides different 4 bases ▪ Adenine (A) ▪ Guanine (G) ▪ Thymine (T) ▪ Cytosine (C) 2 main groups of bases ▪ Purines ▪ Double ring of C & N atoms ▪ Includes adenine and guanine ▪ Pyrimidines ▪ Single ring of C & N atoms ▪ Includes thymine and cytosine Base pairing rules ▪ Purines bind to pyrimidines ▪ Adenine binds to thymine ▪ Guanine binds to cytosine
Double Helix Model created by James Watson & Francis Crick Structure of DNA “spiral staircase” made of 2 strands of nucleotides twisting around a central axis. Also known as a “twisted ladder” ▪ Sides of ladder are made of alternating sugar and phosphate units held together with a strong covalent bond ▪ Rungs are made up of a purine and a pyrimidine held together by a weak Hydrogen (H) bond. ▪ Base pairing results in a complementary strand (this is how DNA replicates)