Converting Fractions means that you have 3 out of 4 available pieces of something. This is called a FRACTION, but we can also show this amount in other ways. FRACTIONS can be converted to DECIMALS
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS DECIMALS aren’t as accurate as fractions, but are sometimes easier to understand of £1 isn’t as easy to understand as £0.04 (or 4p) Decimals are easier to put in order than fractions, especially with a calculator.
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS To convert any FRACTION to a DECIMAL with a calculator we just type: NUMERATOR ÷ DENOMINATOR = (top number)(bottom number) 1 25 becomes 1 ÷ 25 = 0.04
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS To convert any FRACTION to a DECIMAL without a calculator we have to do a DIVISION calculation: 1 ÷ 2525 ) 1
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS 1 shared into 25 parts can’t go, so just add a 0 after the DECIMAL POINT 1 ÷ 2525 ) pretend that the decimal point isn’t there, and read this as 10 instead of 1.0
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS 10 shared into 25 parts can’t go, so we add another 0 1 ÷ 2525 )
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS 100 shared into 25 parts goes exactly with no remainder 1 ÷ 2525 )
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS sometimes we have a remainder. 1 ÷ 33 ) 1 0
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS 10 ÷ 3 is 3 with 1 remaining 1 ÷ 33 )
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS 10 ÷ 3 is 3 with 1 remaining 1 ÷ 33 )
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS 10 ÷ 3 is 3 with 1 remaining 1 ÷ 33 ) once we can see a pattern we can see what the next numbers will be.
Converting Fractions 1 - DECIMALS 10 ÷ 3 is 3 with 1 remaining 1 ÷ 3= …… this can be written as 0. 3read as 0. 3 RECURRING The dot means repeat this number..