Mozambique The United Nations At Work Update on the One UN Initiative
Vision of the One UN The vision of the One UN in Mozambique is of a unified United Nations presence, which acts, speaks and delivers as one The overall goal of the One UN Initiative in Mozambique is to improve programme delivery and results in support of the national development agenda through a more coherent, better coordinated, funded and managed UN
Context Re-positioning of the UN: Processes related to the PRSP (PARPA), Development Partners Group SWAPs Harmonization and Alignment: Implementation of the Paris Declaration; UNCT to align with Government annual planning cycle, starting AWPs for 2008 (in May 2007) Alignment of the new PRSP/PARPA and UNDAF: UNDAF aligned fully with the PARPA, both in terms of content and cycle
Boston Consulting Group Visit to 5 countries to propose a “menu” of options for countries at the frontline of UN reform A first group of 8 countries have been identified for “pilot” initiatives for UN reform, including Mozambique (request letter sent by Prime Minister) for 2007, and an additional 20 are in the pipeline for 2008 BCG reported in January to the Deputies of the four ExCom agencies, and then Heads of Agencies Decision at global level to expand UN Reform discussions to include specialised agencies – core consultative group now includes FAO, WHO, UNESCO, UNEP and UNHCR
One UN “A LA CARTE” HQ and Regional Governance Country Leadership Agency Representation Programming and Strategy/Policy Operations / Business Processes Premises One Leader One Programme One Office UNDP oversees RC Agencies act autonomously, RC legitimates & credentials RC only (the “UN Representative”) No joint programming Ad hoc joint programs Many work-plans Vendors One Premises for all agencies RDT oversees RC RC acts unilaterally and autonomously, agencies fulfill mandate RC + Agency directors Joint programming No joint programs One work-plan Vendors and policy (1) One Premises for ExComs RC’s home agency responsible for oversight Cabinet model with RC as PM, UNCT as Ministers Hosting of non- residents by RC Vendors, policy (1) and systems One Premises (where cost effective) for all agencies HQ ‘joint board’ oversees the RC RC acts for largely non resident agencies with Board authority Joint programming Joint programs One work-plan Vendors, policy, systems all delivered through 1 ‘agency’ A selection of dishes for each course: please choose your meal...Courses RC + Agency Representatives RC + Agency Representatives, with clusters (1)Includes finance, HR Source: Interviews, DGO documentation, BCG Analysis Separate Premises Budget One Budget 4 One unified budget under RC control –Core pooled funds Individual agency budgeting, cabinet influence Independent -agency budgeting with pooled funding for joint progr. Pooled funding mechanisms, esp in Joint Programmes
AND MOZAMBIQUE CHOSE... HQ and Regional Governance Country Leadership Agency Representation Programming and Strategy/Policy Operations / Business Processes Premises One Leader One Programme One Office UNDP oversees RC Agencies act autonomously, RC legitimates & credentials RC only (the “UN Representative” No joint programming Many work-plans Vendors One Premises for all agencies RC acts unilaterally and autonomously, agencies fulfill mandate RC + Agency directors Joint programming No joint programs One work-plan Vendors and policy (1) One Premises for ExComs RC’s home agency responsible for oversight Cabinet model with RC as PM, UNCT as Ministers Hosting of non- residents by RC Vendors, policy (1) and systems One Premises (where cost effective) for all agencies HQ ‘joint board’ oversees the RC RC acts for non resident agencies with Board authority Joint programming Joint programmes One work-plan Vendors, policy, systems all through 1 ‘agency’ A selection of dishes for each course: please choose your meal...Courses RC + Agency Representatives RC + Agency Representatives with clusters (1)Includes finance, HR Source: Consultation with Mozambique UNCT Separate Premises Budget One Budget 4 One unified budget under RC control –Core pooled funds Individual agency budgeting, cabinet influence Autonomous agency budgeting with pooled funding for joint programmes Pooled funding mechanisms, especially in Joint Programmes RDT oversees RC
One UN in Mozambique One Programme One Budgetary Framework One Leader One Office and Common Services One UN Operational Plan: overarching plan outlining the vision of the One UN Initiative in Mozambique and how it is to be operationalised through the Four Ones:
One Programme Vision: one common programme of support to the national development agenda, inclusive of the contribution of all UN agencies, which is aligned with national priorities and supports attainment of national and international development goals The One Programme: Should demonstrate the ability of the UN to adapt to the DBS environment Should be realistic and not be too ambitious - focus on strategic sub-set of achievable results Should not be “fund-driven”
One Programme (cont.) UNDAF: the Strategic Framework Consists of four pillars of cooperation, including all UN agencies: Governance, Human Capital, HIV/AIDS, Economic Development All UN agencies are committed to the achievement of the full UNDAF One Programme: the Operational Framework Aims to: Ensure attainment of all the results contained in the UNDAF, and Pave the way for a reformed UN under the next cycle, by focusing on a strategic sub-set of UNDAF outputs that best illustrate the added value of the UN in the new aid environment
One Programme (cont.) Eight areas of UN comparative advantage identified in the UNDAF: advocacy for UN core values, including human rights, gender equality and the MDGs; normative and technical advisory services; strengthening of national capacity at both central and decentralised levels; support to national scale-up of evidence-based programmes; implementation services; support to national humanitarian response; bringing the voice of civil society to the table; building partnerships between all stakeholders. Strategic focus on four of the eight areas under the One Programme: policy and advocacy; normative / technical support; capacity development; civil society partnerships. Focus “upstream”
One Programme (cont.) Mapping of UNDAF outputs against four focus areas of comparative advantage and focus on selected UNDAF outputs Focus on joint programmes under the selected outputs that reflect a combination of the four focus areas and demonstrate how the UN family will work together more coherently and effectively in these four areas to achieve results All joint programmes selected in line with key principles…
One Programme (cont.) Principles for the selection of joint programmes The programme should: include a combination of the four priority areas of support focus on “quick wins/low hanging fruits” build on existing activities/programmes be one in which there is added value in collaborating be within the framework of one primary UNDAF pillar address a number of UNDAF outputs selected as priority outputs of the One Programme have a direct relationship to the PARPA II and should have strong Government ownership in principle and to the extent possible, be at least one third funded (reasonable expectation of funding) include three or more agencies all agencies should be involved in at least one selected joint programme
One Programme (cont.) UNDAF PillarJoint Programme GovernanceTo be determined by the PMT Human CapitalTo be determined by the PMT HIV/AIDSTo be determined by the PMT Economic DevelopmentTo be determined by the PMT
One Budgetary Framework Vision: one budgetary framework bringing together all contributions, to support the coherent resource mobilisation, allocation and disbursement of donor resources to the One UN Operational Plan The One Budgetary Framework will be a consolidation of core and unmarked funds (RR and OR) for the UNDAF The One Budgetary Framework will be supported by a Joint Resource Mobilization Strategy One UN Fund The purpose of the One UN Fund is two-fold: Bridging the funding gap in the Joint Programmes Supporting the Change Management Process
One Leader ‘Cabinet’ Model, with RC as Prime Minister and UN Representatives as Ministers RC is responsible for: guiding the development and management of the One UN initiative oversight of the design and implementation of the UNDAF monitoring and evaluating implementation of the UNDAF supporting advocacy and resource mobilisation for the UNDAF representing participating UN entities at the most senior level of Government Global corporate guidelines are expected in June TOR and Code of Conduct for UNCT to be signed by UNCT
One UN Steering Committee High-level Steering Committee to supervise the transformation of the UN System in One UN in Mozambique Members Government, donors, UN System Proposed Tasks: monitor implementation provide technical advice guidance on resource mobilization evaluation of One UN Concept
One Office: Common Premises and Services Common Premises. Feasibility assessment undertaken, UNCT to make a decision on next steps Common Services. Progress made in terms of: Establishment of Interagency Operations Management Team (OMT) - meets twice a month to review operational aspects of programme delivery One bank with a dedicated branch for the UN Family in Mozambique One travel agency for the UN agencies One common security system with clear lines of accountability (one security firm) One roster of translators and interpreters
One Office: Common Premises and Services (cont.) Harmonised business practices Focus on five areas: 1. Protocol and General administration 2. Financial Management systems 3. Human Resources Management 4. Procurement of goods and services 5. ICT
Communicating as One Towards ONE UN Communication in Mozambique Urgent need to develop a Communication Strategy that should provide effective and efficient support the overall goal of the One UN initiative. The new Communication Strategy will be built upon the experience of the Communication Working Group that is now operating with a Communication Joint Annual Work Plan Advantages All UN Institutions around a common set of goals and messages Wide set of skills and competencies Pooling of resources and working practices to prevent duplication and competition Cohesive and synchronised communication initiatives
Communicating as One (cont.) Priority Tasks and Result Areas Finalise the development of the Communication Strategy Internal and External Communication Branding of One UN Creating and maintaining a One UN website Production and dissemination of One UN information kit Production and dissemination of “Delivering as One” Newsletter
Immediate Next Steps in Implementation Plan Action Ec. Dev pillar completed and signed by GoM Joint Programmes for One Programme finalised Financial resource requirements for revised UNDAF, One Programme and Change Management Fund determined One UN Operational Plan finalised TOR/Code of Conduct for UNCT agreed and signed One UN launch agreed and arranged with GoM One UN Steering Committee established One UN Initiative Launch When? Mid June End June End May/End June (One Fund) End June Mid June Last week of June