Faith & reason: concluding comments ~ slide 1 Closing comments on faith & reason zToward a more adequate notion of religious faith âThe popular use of the term “faith”: (1) commitment which is not based on evidence or reasons, or (2) purely emotive expressions âOf the positions we discussed, to which does the first belong?
Faith & reason: concluding comments ~ slide 2 Closing comments on faith & reason âToward a more adequate notion of religious faith yReligious faith includes ä(1) Belief that a proposition is more probably true than false åThus there is a propositional element to religious faith åIncluding this element in religious faith avoids Fideism
Faith & reason: concluding comments ~ slide 3 Closing comments on faith & reason ä(2) plus trust åThis is an interpersonal quality ä(3) which translates into a way of living
Faith & reason: concluding comments ~ slide 4 Closing comments on faith & reason zAnd some comments on critical rationalism âFinal note: Religious belief-systems are worldviews -- include a metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Should we expect worldviews to require the same standards of assessment as scientific theories or even a theory of literary criticism?
Faith & reason: concluding comments ~ slide 5 Closing comments on faith & reason âCritical rationalism holds that these belief-systems can and should be assessed by rational criticism & evidence, but that we cannot expect the same standards of rationality & evidence that are used in science.