Monitoring & Evaluation WMO/RES/WWR
WMO is using a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system to measure the progress being made towards the achievement of expected results defined in the WMO Strategic Plan. The WMO M&E system is designed to: Enable the senior management and programme managers of the Secretariat, the WMO constituent bodies and the scientific steering committees of WMO joint programmes to track the progress of the organisation’s activities, enhance performance and impact, and identify areas where corrective action is required with respect to activities and deliverables. Enable the Secretariat to demonstrate organizational effectiveness, efficiency, accountability and transparency externally and when reporting to WMO governing bodies. Facilitate dialogue and discussions at meetings of WMO constituent bodies, with partner organizations and donors, as well as other stakeholders.
M&E Governance & Operations Monitoring Tools and Documents Reports Disseminated Planning Process Mission, Vision Statement Global Societal Needs Strategic Thrusts Expected Results Key Outcomes Deliverables/ Outputs Activities Inputs WMO Strategic Plan Operating Plan Departmental Work Plan Results Based Budget Individual Work Plan Congress Executive Council Regional Associations Technical Commissions Members WMO Secretariat Project Coordination Unit Financial Advisory Committee Internal Oversight Office External Audit Joint Inspection Unit Congress Reports Executive Council Reports Reports of Regional Associations, and Technical Commissions Budget Reports Reports for Congress and Executive Council Audit Reports Reports for EC and Executive Management External Survey on Key Performance Indicators Departmental data collection on KPIs Progress Reports Database WMO documentation and website Logical Framework and other tools Financial Statements Mid Financial Period Review Achieved results for Financial Period & Baseline for next Planning Documents M&E Governance & Operations Monitoring Tools and Documents IMPACT WMO M&E System Lessons learned Risk Management Graphical Representation of the WMO M&E System
Schematic Representation of the WMO strategic planning process -Is built on RBM concept. -Integrates Members inputs. -Defines where WMO is, where it wants to be, how it will get there, and how it will monitor, evaluate and report the performance progress. -Integrates reports from M&E WMO Results-based Budget -Identifies regular resources to implement WMO Operating Plan. WMO STRATEGIC PLAN -Mission, Vision, Global Societal Needs. -Strategic Thrusts. -Strategic priorities. -Expected Results. WMO OPERATING PLAN -Key Outcomes - KPIs -Deliverables -Activities - WMO Monitoring & Evaluation -Monitors, evaluates and reports on progress to achieve expected results Schematic Representation of the WMO strategic planning process
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Key outcomes - the likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of accomplished deliverables/outputs related to programme areas that define the parameters for the unique contribution by WMO in the progress achieve expected results. There are several outcomes for each expected result. Key Outcome 5.2: Research in the prediction of high-impact weather on time scales of hours to seasons is enhanced Key Outcome 5.4: Seamless forecasts of weather, climate, water and the environment from months to seasons are developed For each Key Outcome, there are a set of KPIs to measure the achievement of the outcome. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) - the agreed measurements which will enable WMO, as an organisation, to assess the achievement of the expected results. KPI 5.2.1 Number of total research projects (new, ongoing and completed) focused on improving Members’ operational products and services KPI 5.2.2: Number of Members whose operational products and services have improved as a result of WMO research projects KPI 5.4.1: Number of NMHSs participating in the integration of observations, research, modeling and analysis results to improve sub-seasonal to seasonal weather/climate projections and predictions .
Survey on the Impacts of Achieved Results on Members Survey was designed to: Assess the impacts of results achieved against the WMO Strategic Plan 2008-2011 Establish baselines for 2012-2015 First survey conducted in February 2012 and reopened to improve the level of response from 60 NMHSs (36%) in February 2012 to 109 NMHSs (58%) in October 2012. The results of the survey are available on the WMO public website. 39% of the 63 respondents from developing and least developed countries have participated in regional or international research initiatives on high-impact weather or a severe weather forecasting demonstration project in the past two years. For those participating in the projects, the rating of improvement in capabilities in forecasting high-impact weather is generally high, as presented in the figure above.
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