How your action got us to this point Two four-hour strikes with overwhelming public support Very positive media coverage Effective action short of strike including ‘take your breaks’ and ‘don’t work for free’ weeks
Upside 1% for most rather than a freeze for the majority Increases of between 5.6% - 2.1% for the 250,000 on the lowest 8 pay points Lowest pay level in the NHS up from £14,294 to £15,100 54,000 get Living Wage Rise ‘consolidated’ so would increase unsocial hours, high cost area and overtime payments and would be pensionable Downside 13,000 top earners in AfC get pay and increment freeze - Increment freeze for 8a and above; no increase for 8c and above Doesn’t deliver Living Wage for all NHS staff Not as much as the one-off cash sum Hunt had planned for those at top of bands
Understanding what the pay offer means to you Read UNISON’s Frequently Asked Questions Talk to your rep Look at the proposed new hourly rate for your pay point
How can I have my say? Ballot paper to your home – vote before 2 March 2015 You have a choice! Accept and continue to campaign Reject and continue the programme of industrial action UNISON’s formal position: This is the best offer that will be achieved through negotiation. Your action has made some improvement but has not delivered what we wanted. If you reject this offer then further industrial action will take place on 13 March
What happens after the ballot? Ballot closes 10am 2 March 2015 Health Service Group Executive meets to consider outcome Talk to other trade unions and either: Prepare for industrial action Or work out other ways of taking our fight for fair pay forward
Over to you Your questions on the pay proposals For more information: and follow links from the front page to the NHS pay Frequently Asked Questions are on the website but you can get a copy from your steward or at this meeting Stewards have access to a more detailed technical briefing so, if you’re a rep make sure you get this from your branch, your region or If you are a member and you can’t find answers to your questions, speak to your rep or