Presentation 20th September 2007 Workshop on Water Supply and Sanitation at Schools and local communities Sogakofe Network coordinator – Miriam Feilberg
Danish Water Forum Founded in members in 2007: Universities, Producers of equipment, Consultants, Water Companies, Authorities, NGO’s etc. Main activities: thematic meetings, knowledge sharing, newsletter, connecting Danish and global water sector, representing Denmark abroad Main projects: Knowledge network for water and development, EUWI ERA-Net, Research Platform Water
DWF’s main area of activities Research Development Technology International cooperation Representation of Denmark North South activities Development assistance Knowledge sharing R/D Knowledge Int.
Knowledge network on Water and Development - Your gateway to water knowledge
Objective of the knowledge network To expand and consolidate a network of Danish researchers and practitioners in water and development to promote international knowledge sharing between North and South both in Denmark and in relation to relevant water sector programmes and in Danish partner countries
Immediate objectives Secure a platform for knowledge sharing among researchers and practitioners from North and South Promote research cooperation between North and South Promote inclusion of research and knowledge sharing in Danish Water Sector assistance Build networks between researchers from North and South Support improved research capacity and knowledge levels in developing countries
1.Ensure research and knowledge in WSP’s both practical implementation and policy development, including the role of water for the MDG’s. 2.Develop overview of relevant Danish and international research of importance for Danish supported WSP’s 3.Contact to Danida, embassies and other relevant stakeholders, also participation in international water meetings. DWF priorities for Capacity building in developing countries: Facilitate Danish researchers cooperation and teaching at universities in developing country.
5.Overview of relevant Danish and international research of importance for Danish supported WSP’s 6.Capacity building in developing countries: Facilitate Danish researchers cooperation and teaching at universities in developing countries. Support PhD and other studies in Denmark and partner countries. DWF priorities for 2007
This workshop
Increase cooperation Inform about options for studies and research in Denmark Inform about Danish research areas – who and where Introductory facility on webpage Information material
Danish priorities – DANIDA Africa will get more funding Water and Sanitation still in focus – 8 countries Initiatives to strengthen possibilities for African women – not least girls’ access to education Human resources 120 scholarships to students from partner countries for use in Danish universities and Research institutions
All presentations and papers from this workshop