Glasgow March 2006 Calibration Status  Martin Kotulla.


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Presentation transcript:

Glasgow March 2006 Calibration Status  Martin Kotulla

CB Calibration Overview Calibrations:  Energy (photons)  0 – E calibration Jason Brudvik  Time (alignment)  Time walk  CB Energy sum and individual detector thresholds (M3, M2) 20 MeV as an approximation

TAPS Calibration Overview Calibrations:  Time (TAPS) Fabien Zehr  Energy (photons) relative alignment of the gain for short and long gate Benedicte Boillat  Pulsshape PSA relative strength of short vs long gate Stefan Lugert  LED Trigger thresholds 30MeV as an approximation

TAGGER - PID Calibration Overview Calibrations:  Time (TAGGER) Richard Codling  Tagging Efficiency (photons) Alexander Nikolaev  PID  E Richard Codling  PID Time Richard Codling

CB Calibration Summary Physics (first run , last ) targetLH 2 beam time / h CB EnergyCB TimeCB Time Walk – 6.7.LH ×(√)(√)(×) – 2.8.LH √(√)(√)(×) 3.8. – 16.8.LH 2 “ (√)(√)(√)(×) – 4.10.LH √(√)(√)(×) LD 2 (√)(√)(√)(×) LH √(√)(√)(×) LH √(√)(√)(×) ( LD2) LH √(√)(√)(√) Basel Pb300 ×(√)(√)(×)  7 Li,C,O,C a 160,30,60,40 ×(√)(√)(×)

TAPS Calibration Summary Physics (first run , last ) targetLH 2 beam time / hTAPS EnergyTAPS TimeTAPS PSA – 6.7.LH √×× – 2.8.LH √√√ 3.8. – 16.8.LH 2 “ √√√ – 4.10.LH √√√ LD 2 √√× LH √√× LH (√)!√× ( LD2) LH √√× Pb300 ×√×  7 Li,C,O,Ca160,30,60,40 √√√

Tagger - PID/MWPC Calibration Summary Physics (first run , last ) Targetbeam time / hTagger TimeTagging Eff. PID  E PID Time – 6.7.LH √(√)√√ – 2.8.LH √(√)√√ 3.8. – 16.8.LH 2 “ √(√)√√ – 4.10.LH √(√)√√ LD 2 √(√)√√ LH √(√)√√ LH √(√)√√ ( LD2) LH √(√)√√ Pb300 √(√)√√  7 Li,C,O,Ca160,30,60,40 √(√)√√

Invariant Masses check of energy calibration:  TAPS photon cluster energy needs to be scaled (CB as well for Monte Carlo)  check of  0, (  )  resolution (different kinematics!) CB-CB:19.5 MeV TAPS-CB:20.5 MeV  benchmarks (energy resolution, time resolution) CB-CB TAPS-CB

Proton ID in TAPS TAPS proton signature:  time difference TAGGER - TAPS  E vs ToF plot to identify protons in TAPS kin E / MeV ToF / ns p 

Proton ID CB CB proton signature:   E-E  reliable Monte Carlo p 

Other status:  framework: John Annand  effective response and energy loss (single  0 channel) TAPS region >10° and CB tunnel region (<26°) Evie Downie (Marc Unverzagt, Sven Schumann, Viktor Kashevarov)  TAPS code particle identification Ralf Gregor / Fabien Zehr  lin. pol. lookup tables Ken Livingston

Other Data Quality (to be done):  run classification good data files files with significant losses of the system  detector classification good data files runs with broken individual detektors Monte Carlo Code:  TAPS Veto detectors Giessen  CB tunnel region ( Viktor )  Cross sections: Comparison to Monte Carlo response Efficiency

Energy relative gain alignment:  identical shape and orientation of the BaF 2 crytals  energy deposition of minimum ionizing cosmic myons used for alignment  pedestal very stable MIP pedestal pulser

TIME I TAPS time calibration:  relative alignment of the TAPS individual time  relative alignment TAPS vs Tagger prompt peak time of flight particles

TIME II TAPS time calibration:   0 decay photon sources: single  0 :no acceptance within the <40° cone     or   :small yield of two photons in TAPS  „resolution“ by time difference within a cluster (time for shower spread!) FWHM < 800 ps

PSA BaF 2 : 2 scintillating light components, a fast and a slow:  short gate VS long gate  polar coordinates  particle identification long / MeV short / MeVradius / MeV angle / °