Glasgow March 2006 Calibration Status Martin Kotulla
CB Calibration Overview Calibrations: Energy (photons) 0 – E calibration Jason Brudvik Time (alignment) Time walk CB Energy sum and individual detector thresholds (M3, M2) 20 MeV as an approximation
TAPS Calibration Overview Calibrations: Time (TAPS) Fabien Zehr Energy (photons) relative alignment of the gain for short and long gate Benedicte Boillat Pulsshape PSA relative strength of short vs long gate Stefan Lugert LED Trigger thresholds 30MeV as an approximation
TAGGER - PID Calibration Overview Calibrations: Time (TAGGER) Richard Codling Tagging Efficiency (photons) Alexander Nikolaev PID E Richard Codling PID Time Richard Codling
CB Calibration Summary Physics (first run , last ) targetLH 2 beam time / h CB EnergyCB TimeCB Time Walk – 6.7.LH ×(√)(√)(×) – 2.8.LH √(√)(√)(×) 3.8. – 16.8.LH 2 “ (√)(√)(√)(×) – 4.10.LH √(√)(√)(×) LD 2 (√)(√)(√)(×) LH √(√)(√)(×) LH √(√)(√)(×) ( LD2) LH √(√)(√)(√) Basel Pb300 ×(√)(√)(×) 7 Li,C,O,C a 160,30,60,40 ×(√)(√)(×)
TAPS Calibration Summary Physics (first run , last ) targetLH 2 beam time / hTAPS EnergyTAPS TimeTAPS PSA – 6.7.LH √×× – 2.8.LH √√√ 3.8. – 16.8.LH 2 “ √√√ – 4.10.LH √√√ LD 2 √√× LH √√× LH (√)!√× ( LD2) LH √√× Pb300 ×√× 7 Li,C,O,Ca160,30,60,40 √√√
Tagger - PID/MWPC Calibration Summary Physics (first run , last ) Targetbeam time / hTagger TimeTagging Eff. PID E PID Time – 6.7.LH √(√)√√ – 2.8.LH √(√)√√ 3.8. – 16.8.LH 2 “ √(√)√√ – 4.10.LH √(√)√√ LD 2 √(√)√√ LH √(√)√√ LH √(√)√√ ( LD2) LH √(√)√√ Pb300 √(√)√√ 7 Li,C,O,Ca160,30,60,40 √(√)√√
Invariant Masses check of energy calibration: TAPS photon cluster energy needs to be scaled (CB as well for Monte Carlo) check of 0, ( ) resolution (different kinematics!) CB-CB:19.5 MeV TAPS-CB:20.5 MeV benchmarks (energy resolution, time resolution) CB-CB TAPS-CB
Proton ID in TAPS TAPS proton signature: time difference TAGGER - TAPS E vs ToF plot to identify protons in TAPS kin E / MeV ToF / ns p
Proton ID CB CB proton signature: E-E reliable Monte Carlo p
Other status: framework: John Annand effective response and energy loss (single 0 channel) TAPS region >10° and CB tunnel region (<26°) Evie Downie (Marc Unverzagt, Sven Schumann, Viktor Kashevarov) TAPS code particle identification Ralf Gregor / Fabien Zehr lin. pol. lookup tables Ken Livingston
Other Data Quality (to be done): run classification good data files files with significant losses of the system detector classification good data files runs with broken individual detektors Monte Carlo Code: TAPS Veto detectors Giessen CB tunnel region ( Viktor ) Cross sections: Comparison to Monte Carlo response Efficiency
Energy relative gain alignment: identical shape and orientation of the BaF 2 crytals energy deposition of minimum ionizing cosmic myons used for alignment pedestal very stable MIP pedestal pulser
TIME I TAPS time calibration: relative alignment of the TAPS individual time relative alignment TAPS vs Tagger prompt peak time of flight particles
TIME II TAPS time calibration: 0 decay photon sources: single 0 :no acceptance within the <40° cone or :small yield of two photons in TAPS „resolution“ by time difference within a cluster (time for shower spread!) FWHM < 800 ps
PSA BaF 2 : 2 scintillating light components, a fast and a slow: short gate VS long gate polar coordinates particle identification long / MeV short / MeVradius / MeV angle / °