1 Action Items for Management Board Challenges for Implementation of Recommendations
3 Challenges and Solutions: “……in other words, find us some funding and I can hire someone to do this. At this point, we are maxed out on time”! Anonymous land manager in the MAV, Spring 2007 "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.“ Albert Einstein
4 National Wildlife Refuge System in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley Circa 30 National Wildlife Refuges Biologists n=8 Foresters n=10 For Example:
5 Challenges and Solutions: Lack of manpower and time Traditional Answers Hire more people Contract work
6 Challenges and Solutions: Lack of manpower and time Traditional Answers Hire more people Contract work Non-traditional Answers Re-align priorities / job responsibilities Interdisciplinary training Create roving teams Interagency cooperation Etc..
7 Challenges and Solutions: Lack of manpower and time Traditional Answers Hire more people (e.g., biometrician) Contract work (e.g., State Wildlife Grants, etc..) Non-traditional Answers Re-align priorities / job responsibilities Interdisciplinary training Create roving teams Interagency cooperation Etc..
8 Challenges and Solutions: Communication/coordination among biologists, foresters, and GIS staff -- No administrative line authority for many of the “point people” (e.g., PIF Coordinators, etc.) Increase communication, coordination, and support (administratively, morally, and financially) among biologists, foresters, and GIS staff.
9 Action Items for Management Board Challenges for Implementation of Recommendations
10 Action Items: Action Item 1 – The Board formally accept the report of the Forest Resource Conservation Working Group entitled “Restoration, Management and Monitoring of Forest Resources in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: Recommendations for Enhancing Wildlife Habitat” as a technical report of the LMV Joint Venture.
11 Action Items: Action Item 2 – Board members take the appropriate administrative actions within their respective organizations to integrate Report recommendations into their operational programs associated with forest restoration, management, and monitoring to include:
12 Action Items: Action Item 2 – Board members take the appropriate administrative actions within their respective organizations to integrate Report recommendations into their operational programs associated with forest restoration, management, and monitoring to include: 2a. Adopt the Desired Forest Conditions as the operational standards for bottomland hardwood forest management on lands within their respective jurisdictions.
13 Action Items: Action Item 2 – Board members take the appropriate administrative actions within their respective organizations to integrate Report recommendations into their operational programs associated with forest restoration, management, and monitoring to include: 2b. Adopt the technical recommendations for reforestation as operational standards for ongoing reforestation programs.
14 Action Items: Action Item 2 – Board members take the appropriate administrative actions within their respective organizations to integrate Report recommendations into their operational programs associated with forest restoration, management, and monitoring to include: 2c. Adopt the technical recommendations for forest inventory and monitoring as operational standards for lands and programs within their respective jurisdictions.
15 Action Items: Action Item 2 – Board members take the appropriate administrative actions within their respective organizations to integrate Report recommendations into their operational programs associated with forest restoration, management, and monitoring to include: 2d. Ensure that recommendations to other agencies and organizations (through forums such as USDA State Technical Committees and carbon sequestration partnerships) incorporate the technical standards and recommendations included in the Forest Resource Conservation Working Group Report.
16 Action Items: Action Item 3 – To facilitate the implementation, evaluation and progressive refinement of technical standards and recommendations, Board members promote through their respective administrative channels, coordination among managers, foresters, biologists, and GIS staff in developing and maintaining spatially explicit records regarding the implementation of forest management prescriptions and practices on lands within their respective jurisdictions.
17 Action Items: Action Item 3 – To facilitate the implementation, evaluation and progressive refinement of technical standards and recommendations, Board members promote through their respective administrative channels, coordination among managers, foresters, biologists, and GIS staff in developing and maintaining spatially explicit records regarding the implementation of forest management prescriptions and practices on lands within their respective jurisdictions.
18 Action Items: Action Item 4 – Consistent with the “Prospectus for Forest Breeding Bird Monitoring Program: Assessment of Forest Management Activities” the Board endorse and acknowledge its ongoing implementation as the “LMV Joint Venture Coordinated Forest Bird Monitoring Program.”
19 Action Items: Action Item 4 – Consistent with the “Prospectus for Forest Breeding Bird Monitoring Program: Assessment of Forest Management Activities” the Board endorse and acknowledge its ongoing implementation as the “LMV Joint Venture Coordinated Forest Bird Monitoring Program.” 4a. Board members take action through their respective administrative channels to implement the LMV Joint Venture Coordinated Forest Bird Monitoring Program on those units of the LMV system of state/federal management lands within their respective jurisdictions.
20 Thanks for Your Time and Support!