Brand Protection in China April 30, 2013 China Road Show
Brand Protection Registration of trademarks earlier Registration of trademarks in English and Chinese Constant and regular surveillance of trademark infringement Multiple layers of protection—trademark, design, copyright Fast reaction to all levels infringement utilizing available enforcement procedures
Statistics of Trademark Applications and Registrations (from 2001 to 2012)
Statistics of Trademark Applications in 2012
Chinese Design Patents ( )
What does the Chinese design protect? ShapePatternShape + Pattern Shape + Color Pattern + ColorShape + Pattern + Color Product
Design Patents—Enforcement Infringing Activities –The infringement of a design patent includes making, offering for sale, selling or importing a product incorporating the patented design for production or business purpose Claim Construction –Patent Law, Article 59.2: the protection is defined by photos or drawings of the product, where the brief explanation is used to explain the photos or drawings
YearAccepted Cases% IncreaseConcluded Cases% Increase First Instance Civil Proceedings (2006~2012)
First Instance Civil Proceedings (2006~2012)
2012 Civil Proceedings CourtDispute TypeAccepted Cases Increased (vs. 2011) Concluded Case Increased (vs. 2011) 1st Instance Court* Patent % Trademark % Copyright % Technology Contracts % Unfair Competition % Others % total % % 2nd Instance Court total % % Rehearingtotal % % Supreme Court237 (rh: 181)246 (rh: 186) *Foreign-related cases: 1429 (8.18%)
2012 Administrative Proceedings CourtDispute TypeCase Newly Filed Increased (vs. 2011) Case ClosedIncreased (vs. 2011) 1st Instance Court Patent % Trademark % Copyright350.00% Others % total % % 2nd Instance Court total Supreme Court (by applicant)98 Supreme Court (by court)2422
Thank you! Qinghong Xu, Ph.D., J.D. Lung Tin International Intellectual Property Agent Ltd. Tel: Fax: