Fraction Foldable
Table of Contents Identifying Fractions Equivalent Fractions Simplest Form Comparing Fractions Ordering Fractions Adding & Subtracting Fractions Identifying Mixed Numbers Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers Identifying Improper Fractions Converting Mixed Numbers & Improper Fractions
Identifying Fractions Page 1 Represent parts or pieces of a whole. Shows the operation of division. Numerator 5 Denominator 8 *Draw a picture to represent this fraction.
Equivalent Fractions Fractions that show the same amount with a different amount of pieces. (equal) A fraction you get when you multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same number. 8 = 4 5 = 20 7x 3 = 32 ÷ 8 = 24 12 9 36 15x 3 72 ÷ 8
Simplest Form Showing the same amount by using the least number of pieces. Taking a fraction and dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number (common factor) until you can’t divide anymore. Try finding the GCF to divide by! 12 ÷ = 64 ÷ *Draw a picture in your foldable book.
Comparing Fractions When the denominators are the same, just compare the numerators. When the numerators are the same, compare the denominators-the larger the denominator, the smaller the fractional pieces. When the numerators and the denominators are different, find a common denominator by creating equivalent fractions. 4 4 7 14 9 6 5 9 36 36 12 8
Ordering Fractions If the denominators are all the same, just compare the numerators and put them in order (least greatest). If the numerators are the same, compare the denominators and then put them in order. (just like <, >, or =) If necessary, make them all equivalent fractions and then put the original fractions in order.
Examples: 3 14 8 27 27 27 5 5 5 8 6 11 4 7 12 6 15 30
Adding & Subtracting Fractions Add or subtract only the numerators in the fractions because you can’t change how many pieces they were originally divided into. 2 + 5 = 36 - 18 = 10 10 72 72
Identifying Mixed Numbers Represented by a whole number and a fraction together. When there is more than a fraction shown or a whole. In a division problem, the quotient represents the whole number, the remainder represents the numerator, and the divisor represents the denominator. = 1 ¾
Adding & Subtracting Mixed Numbers Add or subtract the fractions first, regroup into the whole number column, if necessary. Then add or subtract the whole numbers. 2 5 11 8 7 9 2 8 + 8 11 7 8
Improper Fractions When the numerator is larger than the denominator. Shows the a mixed number too! 7 pieces 4 total sections
Converting Mixed Numbers & Improper Fractions Changing a mixed number improper fraction. Magic “C” + 1 ¾ x 1 x 4 =4 4 + 3 = 7 7 4 *Always put the answer over the same denominator!
Converting Mixed Numbers & Improper Fractions Changing a improper fraction mixed number . 7 means 7 ÷ 4 = 1 R 3 1 ¾ 4 The whole number in the quotient becomes the “whole” part of the mixed number. The remainder becomes the numerator and the denominator stays the same (divisor becomes the denominator).