Farming Game 1.Was your group successful? Why 2. What group had it best? Why 3. What separated successful groups from unsuccessful groups? 4. What would disadvantaged peoples do to solve their problem? 5. So what… Why is this critical when discussing the origins of World History…what does it tell us (make some predictions)
Changes What changes in society will happen because of specialized labor What will happen to the price of goods Now that you can get your basic needs faster what will you start doing with your extra time
How can specialized labor connect civilizations What problems could be created by specialized labor
Early Civilizations The Major River Civilizations
Early Peoples: Progress Technology & Food Drive Humanity Nomads: Wander in search of food Hunter/gatherers: villagers but relocated when supply runs out Domestication: create tamed herds Villages accelerate progress New tools = farming, surplus food More food = more people! Labor groups & social classes government structure
Neolithic Revolution Name given to the time period which humans stopped hunting/gathering and settled in cities Would eventually lead to the formation of civilizations/culture Occurred around 8,000 BC in India and Middle East
5 LARGE Characteristics of Civilization Language: spreads idea, keeps records (histories, taxes…) Achievements: important solutions to problems (technology, buildings, weapons, irrigation…) Rules: Codes of behavior to follow (government and religion create order) Geography: location and land features (rivers and resources) Economics: development of specialized labor and forms of trade.
4 River Civilizations Mesopotamia: Tigris & Euphrates (Iraq) Nile (Egypt) Yellow (China) Indus (India)
The Benefits of Water!? Access to fresh water Fishing Fertile Soil Easy Transportation/Trade
PROBLEMSSOLUTIONS Protection needed from invaders Need water for crops Difficult to plant & harvest Need order & peace Need to know when to plant & harvest
Problem/Solution Protection from invaders Build walls, ditches, military, weapons, find allies Need water for crops Irrigation ditches/man-made streams Flood ponds Difficult to plant & harvest tools... Plows, selective planting, more people Need order and peace Create laws, police/army, religion, govt.
Need to know when to plant and harvest Map the stars, almanacs/records, weather patterns
What is Language? What were the problems with using pictures/drawings? What were the problems with using the code and hieroglyphics? Symbols with universal understanding arranged in ways to convey a message
Cuneiform Written Sumerian language (Meso) Tax records
Hieroglyphics Picture writing of ancient Egypt Used symbols of common items found in Egypt
The Rosetta Stone 186 B.C. – tax records and statue construction orders Written in a spoken Egyptian dialect, hieroglyphics and Greek Discovered by Napoleon in 1799 A.D. We could read hieroglyphics by translating Greek to Egyptian & matching Egyptian to Hiero’s... The British defeat Napoleon & take the stone to England
Video CER History of the World in 2 hours - 48:00 to 1:00:00 Support the given claim with evidence and your explanation
Mesopotamia Located in the Fertile Crescent Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Powerful city- states
Ziggurat “Holy Mountain” Temple and city center Place for sacrifice Land of No Return
Mesopotamian Classes Kings, Priests Merchants Field workers Slaves (lowest)
Achievements Arithmetic/geometry – build walls, 60sec Ziggurats, columns Cuneiform Code of Law -Hammurabi’s Code
Nile River Longest River in the world = 4,100 mi Life-blood
Government & Religion Pharaohs are god-kings Theocracy: priests were top advisors 31 dynasties Two kingdoms unite Polytheism Pharaohs continued ruling after death Mummification saved body for afterlife Pyramids and burial chambers
Using the Nile Straw and reeds Creates a narrow strip of fertile land
Environment Desert barrier Less war Less trade Predictable flooding (seasons) Not much usable land
Egyptian Burial Sarcophagus protects the physical body
Social Structure Royalty Landed/army Artisans/merchants Farmers/workers Slaves Hieroglyphics Papyrus – paper like plant Calendars, geometry, engineering, astronomy, columns, medicine...
Indus River Located in Northwest India River changed directions Monsoons inflict damage
Indus River Rugged and elevated terrain Many natural barriers Pre-planned cities
Huang He River Huang He tint comes from the silt Spans North- central China Rulers receive The mandate of heaven
Chinese Writing Developed early written language