Welcome to 4th Grade Math! A snapshot of skills taught in 4th grade
2) Compare and Order through 1,000,000 Whole numbers: 1) Round through 100,000 2) Compare and Order through 1,000,000 3) Standard Form (296) Expanded Form (200+90+6) Expanded Notation (2X100)+(9X10)+ (6X1) Written Form (two hundred ninety six) Decimals: 1) Represent values to .01 2) Standard Form (1.29) Expanded Form (1+ .2+.09) Expanded Notation (1X1) + (2 X .1) + (9 X .01) 3) Connect addition and subtraction of whole numbers to decimals
Add, compare, order fractions: 1/3 and 1/4 Compose/Decompose Fractions: 1/6 + 1/6 +1/6= 3/6 (same as ½) Find and locate mixed numbers, fractions, and improper fractions on a number line.
Know facts (up to 15 x15). Must know up to 9’s! Cumulative property Associative property Distributive property Partial products Using base ten blocks 2 digit by 2 digit 4 digit dividend by a 1 digit divisor Using all properties that were listed in with multiplication
2nd / 3rd nine weeks Use a protractor to make acute, right, obtuse angles Vocab: symmetry, horizontal, vertical Measure: time, convert measurements in length, weight, volume Formulas: L + L + W + W Area 4(s) LxW
Add - subtract money Fixed - variable expenses Calculate profit
May 9 STAAR Math 4 hour test Correct & Return information Reteach / Retest information