Edith Florence Muwanga Assistant Registrar & PA to DVCAA 13 th May, 2010
Evaluation of Teaching Evaluation of teaching is a core activity in ensuring quality in teaching and learning by students Importance of evaluation of teaching: to assess the performance of lecturers analyze students learning needs investigate students’ experiences assess the learning environment, etc
In 2007, Senate made a decision that evaluation of teaching by students should be carried out each semester for all University courses
The Office of the DVCAA embarked on the exercise in May 2007, but realised that it is an enormous task. The work requires to engage a big team to enter the data, proof reading and analysis. Faculty of Social Sciences alone would generate 6,000 completed forms. ( 400 students each year of study x a minimum of 5 courses each x 3 yrs of study)
We have been struggling to implement the Senate decision with limited resources and we have experienced a lot of challenges. The Office of the DVCAA submitted a proposal for support of quality assurance activities at Makerere University to EDULINK
The Project Objective: The proposal was approved and we are partnering with other Universities in East Africa, AAU, IUCEA and University of Alicante to implement the objectives of the project. The main objective of the project is to build a sustainable quality culture within the University.
Lactro Dara Machine One of the benefits of the project is the acquisition of the Lactro Dara Machine.
Uniqueness of the Lactro Dara Machine The machine can read 100 forms (A4 size )in 5 minutes and it is error free, so there is no need for proof reading. The uploaded data from the forms is then exported to another format i.e. EXCEL, SPSS, for analysis. Other functions which the University can take advantage of include;
Functions Cont’d.. Marking of objective examination questions. Processing of applications for admission to the University Compiling and analysis of population data It can also be used to read the National election data.
The Dara Machine will be used to read information provided by students from the evaluation forms Benefit: Timely feedback to stakeholders Timely action on findings
Pilot the new tool The Evaluation tool has been revised to adopt recommendations from previous evaluation reports and also to correspond to the design of the machine. The new form is being piloted in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the data from the evaluation will be compiled and analyzed by the Dara Machine.
We hope to provide feed back to students and staff next semester. The office of the DVCAA will work with the Faculty to make improvement on the basis of the evaluation exercise.
Appreciation We are very grateful to EDULINK which provided the funds to purchase the machine. We are also grateful to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for accepting to be part of the pilot.
Other Mechnisms The University is trying other methods of evaluation On-line evaluation of teaching by students is being piloted in FCIT. Micheal to provide details Demonstration by Dr. Kisaka & Peter Kayonde
Launch of the DARA I thank you