Domain-Expert Repository Management for Adaptive Hypermedia Learning System By Norazah Yusof & Paridah Samsuri Members of SPAtH Group Faculty of Comp. Science & Info. Sys. University of Technology Malaysia
Introduction Domain-Expert repository management system is a tool that supports activities of maintaining the Domain and Expert module of SPAtH. It helps instructors organized their teaching materials and expert lists into the system.
Introduction SPAtH is an adaptive web-based learning system for teaching and learning computer programming language. It incorporates the features of hypermedia and intelligent tutoring systems to adaptively present the students with suitable learning materials.
Structure of SPAtH Instructors Students SPAtH Learner Model Adaptive Engine Domain- Expert Model
Adaptive Engine The interface between the learner and the system, as well as between the system and the learner model, also with the domain-expert model. It is responsible to diagnose the learner’s knowledge acquisition status and categorize each learner as poor, intermediate or good.
Learner Model Stores information about each individual learners. It also records the learner’s behaviour during learning session in order to form an estimation of the learner’s knowledge acquisition status.
Domain-Expert Model Stores the teaching materials and teaching strategies for different categories of learners. 2 main components of Domain-expert model: the domain knowledge the expert knowledge
Domain Knowledge Contains the teaching materials that consist of: notes, practices examples, check-point questions, help/hints and solutions to each questions.
Semantic representation of teaching materials Teaching Material Pre- requisite Learning Time Objectives example Check-point question solutionmark Is-a Is linked Is-a has hint Notes Is linked Is-a has EnrichmentRemediation Core has Is-a has
Storage of Teaching materials 2 different forms: document file storage prepared in: active server pages (.asp) document files hypertext markup language (.htm) files. relational databases/tables in SQL.
Storage of Teaching Materials Relational Database IndxObj ObjDesc IndxObj ObjDesc IndxNote NoteDesc UrlNote Type IndxNote NoteDesc UrlNote Type IndxTitle Title Desc IndxTitle Title Desc IndxEx UrlEx PreReq IndxEx UrlEx PreReq IndxCP UrlCP UrlAnswer UrlHint UrlNote IndxCP UrlCP UrlAnswer UrlHint UrlNote Document File Storage Chapters Notes Examples CheckpointsObjective
Lists of index note and its URL to the documents
Table Relationships in Domain Database
Expert Knowledge Consists of the teaching strategies that will match with the learner’s knowledge acquisition status. It is a suggested list of learning path for each category of learner that can be either good, intermediate or poor.
Storage of Expert Knowledge The suggested flow of teaching materials for each category of learners is stored in a relational database in three sets of expert tables: the poor list, the intermediate list, and the good list.
Expert Tables List for Poor, Intermediate and Good Learner Learning flow for Poor CategoryLearning flow for Intermediate Category Learning flow for Good Category
Table Relationships in Expert Database
Objective of Domain-Expert Repository Management System To help the instructors: maintain their teaching materials database and storage. set their teaching strategies.
Advantages of Domain-Expert Repository Management System This tool : supports remote client access, allows more than one lecturer to collaborate in maintaining the learning materials without having to worry about: the structure of the database, the duplicate file names, and the location of the materials.
2 Main Components of DERMs Domain repository manager Expert repository manager Add, update or delete teaching materials in a user friendly manner. Provides a uniform code to avoid inconsistencies in indexing scheme. Caters the broken links while deleting nodes. Add or delete the learning flow of the specified category of learner. Caters the linking with the files in the Domain storage. Records the information in appropriate expert knowledge table.
1. Instructor input valid login name and password Domain-Expert Repository Management Process
1. Instructor input valid login name and password Domain-Expert Repository Management Process 2. Select Chapter List of Chapters
1. Instructor input valid login name and password Domain-Expert Repository Management Process 2. Select Chapter 3. Select Objective List of Objectives
4. Select Maintenance Options Domain-Expert Repository Management Process 6. Update Existing Note 5. Add New Note 7. Delete Existing Note 8. Organize notes
Process of Adding New Note 1. A unique IndexNote is given automatically 2. Insert Note Descriptions 3. Select document filename by using the Browse button 4. Initiate the validation qualifier. 5. Activate the code converter 7. Store information in the database 8. Upload the document file to the domain storage 6. Click Upload button
Process of Updating Note 1. Click on Update at the specific IndexNote
Process of Updating Note 2. The Index Note and URL Note will be displayed. 4. Click on Update Content button to edit the document’s content. 1. Click on Update at the specific IndexNote 3. Edit the Note description if necessary.
Process of Updating Note 5. Select Edit with Microsoft FrontPage Editor.
Process of Updating Note 6. Link to Microsoft FrontPage Editor. 5. Select Edit with Microsoft FrontPage Editor. 8. Save the file. 7. Edit the document content in FrontPage Editor. 9. The content of the document will be updated.
Process of Deleting Note 1. Click on Delete at the specific IndexNote
Process of Deleting Note 5. Delete this record in the database. 6. Erase the document file in the Domain storage. 2. The Index Note and URL Note will be displayed. 1. Click on Delete at the specific IndexNote 3. Click on Delete Button. 4. Search the document file in the Domain storage.
Organizing Learning Materials in the Expert List 1. Select Learner Category 2. Select Chapter 3. All notes, examples and Questions will be listed out. 4. Select an item and click on the arrow button.
Conclusion DERMs is developed to make the job easier for all instructors regardless of their knowledge in software development. Although DERMs is only a part of SPAtH, it do help solve the domain-expert maintenance problem.
Domain-Expert Repository Management for Adaptive Hypermedia Learning System Thank you