4. Space = Depth, Distance, or Area around things In a picture, space is an illusion that creates the feeling of depth. There are several ways to show space & depth: 1. Distance with 1 point perspective 2. Area around or within things. 3. Positive vs. Negative space 4. Size change (Biggest in front to smallest in back) 5. Overlapping
Distance with 1 point Perspective
Create A Road Add telephone poles Add yellow lines down the center Add plant life along the road Add a river down one side of the road Add one other detail
Mathematical Area around or within objects…
Positive V. Negative
Positive V. Negative
Draw an everyday object Create positive and negative space and label them
Scale (Size) change & details
Georges Seurat How many ways did he show space?
Dark & Light Notan is a Japanese art form that means: what is dark is not light, what is light is not dark. This is the basis of all design and an important guiding principle of art. It seems so simple but an artist can spend a lifetime exploring the possibilities of light and dark.
Your Project Create a Notan Design inspired by something
Find your inspiration, then… break the object down into SIMPLIFIED or ABSTRACT shapes!
YOUR ASSIGNMENT Use the images on your table as inspiration for your NOTAN design Draw 3 different thumbnails of your ideas in your sketchbook Thumbnails will be a grade!! Draw your design onto black paper We will be cutting your design out of black paper, then gluing it onto a white background.
How will you be graded? •____ Symmetrical design - 20pts •____ Successful Positive/Negative reversal - 20pts •____ Fills entire space - 20pts •____ Variety of shapes and sizes (including details) - 20pts •____ Neatness No glue showing, clean cuts, pieces glued well -15pts •____ No pencil showing - 5pts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBtp2UOF0Qc