Col Al “Jethro” Wimmer Director of Operations


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Presentation transcript:

Col Al “Jethro” Wimmer Director of Operations CONR - 1AF (AFNORTH) CAP Ops Conference – Aug 2015 Col Al “Jethro” Wimmer Director of Operations 1

NORAD Air Defense Continental NORAD Region (CONR) UNCLASSIFIED 24/7 Aerospace Control Alert (ACA) in CONUS CONR defends critical infrastructure/national leadership National Capitol Region Joint Air Defense Operations Center (JADOC)/ACA alert (ground-based) National Special Security Events Deployable Integrated Air Defense System (DIADS)/ACA Alert/CAPs Complex - Specialized C2 and Rules of Engagement 1. ACA Ground based Alert – executing the ONE EXORD 53 sites in current CAL DAL of NCR 865 in proposed NNC CAL 75% of top 20 w/in 20 100% within 45 For NCR mention BLACKJACK and the Visual Warning System NSSE – avg 5 per year Working with your A3 to ensure that we are prepared for a busy summer (2 political conventions) and increased POTUS travel for the campaign 2014: 60+ POTUS, 42 NSSE/SEAR 1, 1,404 Practice Scrambles, 784 Tactical Actions Symmetric Asymmetric UNCLASSIFIED

Steady-state and Major Crisis Response 1AF DSCA Lines of Effort UNCLASSIFIED Search and Rescue Airspace Coordination/Deconfliction Air Mobility Coordination & Visibility; Airflow Control Incident Awareness & Assessment SAR AFRCC Stats 44 Total JPRC Stats 4 Civilians 5 total 15 Reservists 3 Civilian AFSCs are 86Ps, 11x and 1C3 2 Reservist 660 lives in the last 2 years – average 1 save per day. Coordinating over 2000 individual SAR missions. B/U for other COCOM JPRCs – Libya shootdown – Airspace – DWH – 9 near mid airs / 900 normal flts – tripled in the aftermath Mobility - Assigned 1,000+ landing times within first 24 hours, managed a 900% increase in Port-au-Prince air traffic without a single ground delay that maximized the orderly flow of food, water, and medical supplies -- Over two months, facilitated 6K landing times, 4K sorties, 18K short tons of cargo, & 29K personnel evacs -- Coordinated aerial efforts of the DoD, numerous civilian and international agencies, and 140+ foreign govts IAA - Discuss the Interagency piece, discuss CAP 390+ Incident, Awareness and Assessment (IAA) missions, 1,000+ hours flown, 50,000+ still images, 182+ hours FMV resulting in millions of gallons of oil identified; forward-deployed 13 IAA Liaison Officers to the Incident Command Posts (ICP) and the Unified Area Command (UAC) to focus ISR assets and sequence ISR operations; directed 16 Global Hawk and two U2 missions; 5,324 ISR requirements satisfied Steady-state and Major Crisis Response UNCLASSIFIED

Airspace Coordination FAA actively controls disaster airspace CDRAFNORTH will provide assistance in developing a JOA airspace control plan: restricted areas, routes, traffic flow AFNORTH coordinates plan with FAA at the direction of the JTF Plan deconfliction for participating air traffic within/around JOA Subject Matter Experts for state Airspace Control Plans AFNORTH can leverage FAA notification tools and internal tracking tools to deconflict aircraft Regional Airspace Management Plan AFNORTH will also provide assistance in developing a JTF JOA airspace control plan in conjunction with the FAA to set up necessary restricted areas, establish traffic flow and reporting points as well as altitude deconfliction bands for the various types of aviation operating in the JTF JOA. The FAA will likely continue to actively control disaster airspace unless FAA radars have been destroyed. In that event AFNORTH can utilize USAF and joint service air early warning platforms such as AWACS to temporarily control and deconflict traffic until the FAA reconstitutes its capabilities. The 601AOC has already worked with many hurricane states and have established an “on-the-shelf“ airspace plan. In the event of a disaster, that plan can be quickly modified to meet the particular requirements of the situation. 4 – States have an executable Annex – LA, GA, Fl, ND 8 – States have a signed Memorandum of Agreement – OR, CO, SD, WI, OH, MS, CT, DE 11 – States have been contacted or are coordinating – ID, AZ, TX, KY, MO, TN, MS, AL, SC, NC, VA

Incident Awareness and Assessment “Provides support, coordination, and assistance for collection management during response operations” Coordinate and Integrate DoD IAA collection efforts with state, federal, local, and non-DoD efforts for efficiency & effectiveness Support to the JTFs/States/FEMA Deployed IAA Liaisons Coord with Interagency Remote Sensing Coordination Cell Reach back support to 601 AOC/Intelligence Reconnaissance Division

1AF Leverages Partnerships UNCLASSIFIED S J T T F J J  F J P P S F J J J J J J J F J J J F T F S J J ◊ Average 2,400 ATO Taskings and 1,200 sorties per month J J L J J J S J J IO F    F J F S S J L F L J J J ◊ ◊ L J F J P J J   ◊ 1. Partnerships across the nation with the interagency and with the total force. State JOCS, Hurricane Hunters ISO of NOAA (National Ocieanic and Atmospheric Administration), MAFFS in support of the NIFC (National Interagency Firefighting Center) Across the Total Force with ANG units that make up 100% of the current ONE mission, with Army NG that provides units to source the JADOC J F S ◊ Hurricane Hunters State JOC C2 Node/Augmentation MASS Unit MAFFS Unit Fighter Alert Tanker Alert GBAD Unit JADOC Pred Liaison Officer H J P §  F T L J T S J J F P  I J J H L F P F   L J 6  F Full Spectrum Airpower in the Homeland

Future Efforts Expanded Exercise Play CAP-USAF transfer to ACC (1AF) UNCLASSIFIED Expanded Exercise Play HF C2 of Air Defense Forces – VIGILANT SHIELD Local VHF networks in disaster – ARDENT SENTRY IAA and personnel movement CAP-USAF transfer to ACC (1AF) TFR Outreach Efforts – Success!! Your compatriots – pass the message UNCLASSIFIED




2014 Highlights Homeland Defense (ONE) 60+ POTUS Movements, 138 POTUS Sorties 42 NSSE/SEAR1 Sorties: State of the Union Address, G8, UN General Assembly, NATO Summit, Super Bowl, etc. 1,404 Practice Scrambles/Diverts 1,461 Reportable Air Tracks 784 Tactical Actions

Scenario 1 30nm 15nm Cessna 182 Not in radio contact (NORDO) Not “squawking” discrete code in the SFRA TACTICAL ACTIONS Scramble Helicopter Convene ONE Conference Call Increase GBAD States of Alert FAA Clears Airspace / Guard Calls Visual Warning System “Sparkle” Intercept TOI Inspect Guide Evaluate Compliance Defended Asset SFRA 30nm FRZ 15nm 12

SCENARIO 2 Commercial Aircraft Level 4 Disturbance Squawking 7500/ now Primary Only Not on Flight Plan Not on Altitude TACTICAL ACTIONS Scramble Fighters Convene ONE Conference Call Increase GBAD State of Alert FAA Capitol Scram / Ground Stops Intercept TOI – Supersonic / AFIO Inspect, “Headbutt”, Cover Time to Decide Engagement Order 13

INTEGRATED AIR DEFENSES (IADS) GROUND BASED AIR DEFENSE USCG HH-65 Joint Air Defense Operations Center Sentinel Radars NASAMs Avenger ANG F-16 / F-15 Visual Warning System “SPARKLE” Stinger 14