Biotechnology Biotechnology is the combination of technology and biological sciences. Electrophoresis gelDNA fingerprint Selective breeding Hybridization Genetic Engineering Cloning Genetically Modified Organisms Inbreeding
Selective breeding choosy discriminating reproduction procreation crossing mating Definitions: Producing offspring by the selection of parents Give birth to young Reproduce In context Rabbits breed quickly Breeding dogs and raising puppies can be an extremely rewarding experience or it may produce frustration and failure.
Selecting Breeding 1. Examine apples of different varieties 2. Record the color, shape, size, taste. 3. Circle the most desirable traits for an apple you would like to grow 4. How could you produce an apple that has the best traits of all 5 varieties? 5. Most apple trees do not produce fruit until they are about 15 years old. How could you use your knowledge of DNA to produce a new variety of apple more quickly Sweet Tart JuicySourCrunchy Red deliciousMachintoshGranny Smith GalaWild apple Type Color Shape Size Taste Red deliciousMacintoshGranny SmithGalaWild apple redgreenyellowgreenYellow round Flat mediumbigsmallbigVery small sweettartjuicysourcrunchy
SELECTIVE BREEDING The breeding of animals or plants that have desirable characteristics Breeding an organism that has a desirable trait with another so that the desirable trait is passed to the next generation.
INBREEDING Inbreeding is the continued breeding of individuals with similar characteristics.
HYBRIDIZATION Hybridization is the crossing dissimilar individuals to bring together the best of both organisms. Donkey Horse Mule Zeedonk
Mule, a cross of female horse and a male donkey. Hinny, a cross between a female donkey and a male horse. Mule and hinny are examples of reciprocal hybrids. Zeedonk or Zonkey, a zebra/donkey cross. Zorse, a zebra/horse cross Beefalo, a cross of an American bison and a domestic cow. This is a fertile breed. Zubron, a hybrid between wisent (European bison) and domestic cow. Ligers and Tiglons (crosses between a lion and a tiger) and other Panthera hybrids such as the lijagulep. Example of Hybrids
9) To produce large tomatoes that are resistant to cracking and splitting, some seed companies use the pollen from one variety of tomato plant to fertilize a different variety of tomato plant. This process is an example of ___________________________________ 10) White short-horned cattle and Black Angus cattle have been crossed to produce offspring with superior beef and rapid growth qualities. This process of choosing organisms with the most desirable traits for mating is known as ____________________________ Selective breeding (Hybridization)
InbreedingHybridization What are the benefits? What are the concerns? InbreedingHybridization What are the benefit? To preserve traits that make each breed unique To obtain a new organism with the best of both parents What are the concerns? Most of the members of a breed are genetically similar Serious diseases: blindness, joint deformities,… Offspring does not retain unique features
which crosses consists of Selective Breeding for example Inbreeding Hybridization Similar organisms Dissimilar organisms for example Organism breed A Organism breed B Retains desired characteristics Combines desired characteristics which which crosses which
which crosses consists of Selective Breeding for example Inbreeding Hybridization Similar organisms Dissimilar organisms for example Organism breed A Organism breed B Retains desired characteristics Combines desired characteristics which which crosses which Section 13-1 Concept Map
a)Crossing individuals with different traits is called ________________________ b)Breeding individuals with similar characteristics is called __________________ c)Crossing dissimilar individuals to bring together the best of both organisms ___________________________ d)The continued breeding of individuals with similar characteristics_____________ hybridization inbreeding hybridization inbreeding
9) For many years, humans have used a variety of techniques that have influenced the genetic makeup of organisms. These techniques have led to the production of new varieties of organisms that possess characteristics that are useful to humans. Identify one technique presently being used to alter the genetic makeup of an organism, and explain how humans can benefit from this change. Your answer must include at least: (1) the name of the technique used to alter the genetic makeup (2) a brief description of what is involved in this technique (3) one specific example of how this technique has been used (4) a statement of how humans have benefited from the production of this new variety of organism TechniqueDescriptionExample How humans have benefit from these technique InbreedingReproduction of individuals with similar traits Breeding Dogs or horses To obtain a desired line of organisms HybridizationCrossing dissimilar organisms to combine the best of both Cross disease resistance of one plant with the food- producing capacity of another. To obtain plants and animals farmers need to increase food production