Interactive, Batch & Real Time processing These are the three ways that a computer can work. They are called interactive processing batch processing real time processing
Interactive This is the standard way, the way that we all use a computer. Definition of interactive from Google: “…..Referring to programs or applications that respond directly to the user, taking instructions and giving feedback……”
Batch So to speak, this is the situation when a BATCH of data is fed in at the beginning, and the job is then processed uninterrupted. This process can be seen often in COMMERCIAL applications Good examples would be Printing bank statements Printing commercial bill statements ???
Real Time Here TIME is critical. The process works on the same time scale as the human. Good examples would be found in Air Traffic Control, Navigation Systems, Guided missile systems . . . . ….even central heating systems, or burglar alarm systems . .
It is not uncommon for a system to be interactive and real time simultaneously. Examples: 1 Travel agency flight booking The details of the booking are saved onto a transaction file The transaction files are SEQUENTIAL files.