Text Structure, Summarize, Critique, Draw Conclusions, Inference
Text Structure For review, there is internal and external text structure in expository writing. Internal text structure is the way the information is organized – compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, process, how-to and summarization. External text structure is the “pretty stuff” (the headings, subheadings, pictures, illustrations, charts, etc.)
Question for you: What is the best prewrite organizational structure for a paper that is written in chronological (time) order? A.Flowchart B.Venn Diagram C.Recipe D.Table
Summarizing practice Read the following paragraph: Deciding if an object is in motion isn’t as easy as it sounds. For example, you are probably sitting as you read this paragraph. Are you moving? Other than your eyes blinking and your chest moving up and down, you would probably say that you (and this book) are not moving. An object is in motion when its distance from another object is changing. Since the distance between you and this book is not changing, you conclude that neither you nor the book is moving.
Summarize Type a one sentence summary of the paragraph on the previous slide here:
Inference practice Inference means to read between the lines. Click the hyperlink below and complete the 10 questions on the web… ?str=reading&num=11&act=2&que=1