Chapter 5: Defining & Measuring Stress Health Psychology Chapter 5: Defining & Measuring Stress
DFNs Stress = negative emotional experience accompanied by biochemical, cognitive, & behav changes Attempt to alter _____________ Accommodate to its effects Stressor = stressful event, conditions producing stress
Theories of Stress
Fight or Flight (Cannon) _________: Threat Physical arousal (sympathetic nervous system & endocrine system) Attack or flee Adaptive: mobilizes response to danger Maladaptive: disrupts emot & physiological fx
General Adaptation Syndrome (Selye) 3 stages: Alarm Resistance Exhaustion
Criticisms of GAS & Fight/Flight ~ ignores psych. factors e.g., ____________________ Assumes all stressors produce same response Response only occurs AFTER stressor e.g., no anticipatory response
Tend & Befriend (Taylor) ______________ e.g., deer - herd, female rats – huddle More so in females Oxytocin (stress hormone), interacts with estrogen ^ calm ^ relaxed ^ social ^ maternal Adaptive- protect self & offspring
Appraisal Processes (Lazarus) Primary appraisal = event’s meaning Positive Neutral Negative Secondary appraisal = perceived ability to cope _____________ = ongoing reevaluation
Sources of Stress Environment Crowding Pollution Noise Urban Press Example: dorm room layout
Personal Relationships Sleep Problems Occupation Personal Relationships Sleep Problems DFN: insomnia = inability to fall or stay asleep Sleep deprivation/problems can cause: tension, anxiety worse decision-making lowered productivity _______________________
Measuring Stress Methods Physiological Measures Life Events Scales __________________ Heart rate (HR) Breathing rate Biochemical (cortisol) Life Events Scales Daily Hassles Scales
CLASS ACTIVITY Fill out the stress questionnaire (SRRS) Score it Critique it