Review of the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Contemporary Practices in Census Mapping and Use of Geographical Information Systems Workshop on Census.


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Presentation transcript:

Review of the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Contemporary Practices in Census Mapping and Use of Geographical Information Systems Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007

Overview of the EGM 29 May-1 June 2007 United Nations, New York Organized by the Demographic Statistics Section of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Participants from 22 Member Countries Final Report issued mid-June 2007

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Attendees of the EGM Representatives of: national statistical offices national mapping offices academic/research institutions private sector companies, and international and regional organizations Member Countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Oman, the Philippines, Portugal, Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, and the United States of America

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Other Participants Academic/research institutions: Florida State University George Washington University Private Sector companies: GeoSpace International ESRI International and regional organizations: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) CPS - Secretariat Général de la Communanté du Pacifique See Annex 2 of the Final Report for List of ParticipantsList of Participants

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Objectives of the EGM 1.Review the conceptual framework and different approaches to census mapping and the capabilities offered by advanced geospatial technologies (GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing, Internet Mapping, etc.) to support census mapping operations 2.Review of geo-coding concepts and approaches with respect to data collection 3.Assess the use of GPS and other geospatial technologies for digital delineation of enumeration areas and data collection 4.Review the development of geographic databases, spatial analysis and data dissemination 5.Identify organizational and institutional issues associated with census cartography.

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Main Topics Presented 1.GIS-based census mapping approaches: some country experiences 2.Geo-coding concepts and definitions, and approaches to data collection 3.Use of GPS and geospatial technologies for data collection, and digital delineation of enumeration areas 4.Geographic databases, spatial analysis and data dissemination 5.Organizational and institutional issues 6.GIS-based census mapping applications by GIS services providers.

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Presentations All papers and presentations are available at: CensusMappingEGM07/default.htm See Annex 3 of the Final Report for Organization of Work, including the list of presentationsOrganization of Work

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Highlights Institutional, organizational and capacity building issues Use of GIS, GPS and other geospatial technologies for census geography Geo-coding concepts and definitions, and coding schemes Level of geographic features for data collection and dissemination Enumeration areas (EA) design

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Highlights (cont.) Geo-coding census data and confidentiality issues Database conceptual framework Maintenance of geographic features, geographic databases and related software Quality of data and combination with other sources Link of Population Census with Agriculture Census Disaster Management Dissemination issues and census advocacy

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - General The meeting recommended and strongly supported the use of geo-spatial and Geographical Information Systems technologies for the 2010 round of population and housing censuses, taking into consideration national and local circumstances.

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - General National Statistical Organizations should: Develop and set-up institutional and organizational structures to implement a census geography programme; Ensure the availability of adequate resources to that end; Institute and maintain training programmes for national staff; Develop mechanisms for retaining GIS trained staff; and Actively participate, in partnership with other national authorities, in the development of a national geographical information capacity, including the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - General United Nations Statistics Division should: Continue to facilitate exchange of national experiences Introduce on-line facility including e-learning material for exchange and sharing of knowledge Compile lessons learned emphasizing advantages and limitations Develop guidelines for census geography

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - Use of contemporary technologies for census geography Applying these technologies (satellite imagery, aerial photography, GPS, GIS) is beneficial to the efficiency and quality of the population and housing census, specifically for Delineation of enumeration areas Supervision of data collection Dissemination at small area level Single solution does not fit all Significant investment in hardware, software and human capital

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - Geo-coding for statistical purposes Geo-coding: Associating geographical to features such as structures, buildings, dwellings, streets, addresses, enumeration areas Different methods – GPS, PDA, satellite imagery National statistical agencies need to consider geo-coding approach for 2010 round of censuses Geographical coding schemes – harmonization and uniformity Dwelling Frame/Address Registry

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - Geographical databases and data dissemination Significant value of geographical database for census data collection, processing and dissemination for small areas Inclusion on non-census items such as schools, roads, rivers, settlements … Long-term and significant commitment is crucial National statistical agencies should develop web-based mapping tools

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - Handbook on geographic information systems and digital mapping

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - Handbook on geographic information systems and digital mapping Current issue – still valuable Requires updates and review Putting a focus on censuses Emphasizing continuous character of census geography programmes Underway Expected by mid-2008

Workshop on Census Cartography and Management, Lusaka, Zambia, October 2007 Recommendations - Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Definition - the technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data Part of a nation’s e-Gov strategy