While researching adult ADHD I found that there are three ways to treat adult ADHD. These three way are: 1. ADHD Medication 2. Natural remedies 3. ADHD Therapy or ADHD Coaching
The FDA approves five different types of medication to treat ADHD 1. Amphrtamine-dextroamphetamine extebded release (Adderall XR) 2. Methylphenidate extended release (Concerta) 3. Lisdexamfetamine dimesylate (Vyvanse) 4. Atomoxetine (Strattera) 5. Dexmethylphenidate extended release (FocalinXR)
Some side effects of Adderall are: Loss of appetite Dry mouth Difficulty sleeping Abdominal pain (or stomach pain) Temporary increases in blood pressure Weight loss Emotional changes Nausea, upset stomach, or vomiting Dizziness Diarrhea Feeling of weakness (asthenia) Increased heart rate (tachycardia) Infection, including (UTI) Fever Heartburn These are just some side effects. Everyone reacts to the medicine differently. Some people do not even experience any of these effects.
There are four natural remedies that I found. They are. Gingko Biloba Siberian Ginseng Roman Chamomile Valerian
Contains an extract that increases the amount of blood flow to the brain and allows for more delivery of oxygen to the brain tissue. It is also capable of improving memory processes, clarifying thinking processes, and enhancing learning capabilities. Stomach upset Nausea Diarrhea dizziness, may occur. Gingko Biloba Leaf.
Sibrerian Genseng An herb that is useful in helping balance imbalances in the body. It also increases stamina and helps the immune system. It like the Gingko Biloba, improves your ability to remember things. Side Effects Anxiety Breast pain Drowsiness Headackes
Offers a sedating effect; it is useful for anxiety relief and for calming the nerves. This herb can be prepared in a tea with steaming water. Side effect Allergies Should take if pregnant May cause miscarriage.
Is a root has a calming effect and is used to reduce anxiety. This herb is also helpful for sleep disturbances headache excitability restlessness or uneasiness sleeplessness dilated pupils irregular heartbeats or other heart problems.
A lot of people have a very hard time coping with there ADHD disorders. Sometimes people would rather just talk to someone about their problems rather than to treat it with medication. There are main different kind of ADHD groups you could join, or you could go talk to a ADHD Therapist. Joining an ADHD group can help you talk to people who are going though the same thing as you. You can talk to them about how you cope with this disorder, and you can also ask them questions about different things you feel, and how they cope with it. Also a lot of people go to a therapist. An ADHD therapist can talk to you about how you feel, and maybe how you can change it. They can also tell you ways to calm yourself down when you feel anxious, or under a lot of stress.
After doing all my research I decided that I feel the life coaching and or meeting with a therapist is the best approach for adults with ADHD. I feel that the medicines, and herbal remedies have to many side effects, and I feel that being an adult you can control yourself more then a child can.