ArchIS: An Efficient Transaction-Time Temporal Database System Built on Relational Databases and XML Fusheng Wang University of California, Los Angeles
Motivation: Temporal Applications Financial applications Record-keeping applications Scheduling applications Scientific applications Most database applications are temporal in nature:
Temporal Databases: the Reality Over 40 temporal data models and query languages have been proposed in the past A long struggle to get around the limitations of RDBMS No DBMS vendors have moved aggressively to extend SQL with temporal support
What’s Needed? Expressive temporal representations and data models with minimal or no extension Powerful languages for temporal queries with minimal or no extension Indexing, clustering and query optimization techniques for efficient query support Architectures that bring these together A temporal database system that provides:
Outline Motivation Viewing Relation History in XML Temporal Queries with XQuery The ArchIS System Performance Study Database Compression Conclusion
Background: Publishing Relational Database as XML Publishing relational DBs as XML as actual XML documents: SQL/XML as XML views: SilkRoute, XPeranto
Viewing Relation History in XML Our proposal: view the history of relational DBs as XML documents: Such history can be naturally represented in XML, without any extension to the data model Temporal queries can be expressed in XQuery as is—without any extension to the language Amenable for efficiently implementations
Temporal Grouping in XML Temporal data models can be classified as: Temporally ungrouped Temporally grouped Temporally grouped data models have more expressive power and are more natural for users It is difficult to fit temporally grouped models into RDBMS Temporally grouped data model can be represented well in XML
Example: Transaction-Time History of Tables Timestamped tuple snapshots (temporally ungrouped) nameempnosalarytitle deptno DOBstartend Bob Engineerd Bob Engineerd Bob Sr Engineerd Bob Tech Leaderd nameempnosalarytitledeptnoDOB Bob : : : Engineer : d : : : Sr Engineer : d : Tech Leader : Temporally grouped history of employees
XML Representation of DB History Bob Engineer Sr Engineer Tech Leader d01 d Bob Engineer Sr Engineer Tech Leader d01 d
Advantages of XML Representations The attribute value history is grouped, and can be queried directly The H-document has a well-defined schema generated from the current table The interval constraints are maintained in the updates
Outline Motivation Viewing Relation History in XML Temporal Queries with XQuery The ArchIS System Performance Study Database Compression Conclusion
Temporal Queries with XQuery XQuery: the coming standard query language for XML With XQuery, we can specify temporal queries without any extension: Temporal projection, snapshot queries, temporal joins, interval queries Complex queries: A SINCE B, continuous periods, period containment
Temporal Queries with XQuery Temporal projection: retrieve the salary history of “Bob”: element salary_history { for $s in doc("employees.xml")/ employees/employee/[name=“Bob”]/salary return $s } element salary_history { for $s in doc("employees.xml")/ employees/employee/[name=“Bob”]/salary return $s } Snapshot queries: retrieve the departments on : for $d in doc("depts.xml")/depts/dept [tstart(.) = " "] let $n := $d/name[tstart(.) =" "] let $m := $d/manager[tstart(.) = " "] return( element dept{$n,$m } ) for $d in doc("depts.xml")/depts/dept [tstart(.) = " "] let $n := $d/name[tstart(.) =" "] let $m := $d/manager[tstart(.) = " "] return( element dept{$n,$m } )
Temporal Functions Shield the user from the low-level details used in representing time, e.g., “now” Eliminate the need for the user to write complex functions, e.g., coalescing Predefined functions: Restructuring: coalese($l) Period comparison : toverlaps, tprecedes, tcontains, tequals, tmeets Duration and date/time: tstart($e), tend($e), timespan($e) telement(Ts, Te): constructs an empty element element timestamped as tstart=Ts, tend=Te
Support for ‘now’ ‘now’: no change until now Internally, “end of time” values are used to denote ‘now’, e.g., Intervals are only accessed through built-in functions: tstart() returns the start of an interval, tend() returns the end or CURRENT_DATE if it’s different from In the output, tend value can be: “ ” CURRENT_DATE by using rtend($e) that recursively replaces all the occurrence of with the current date, “now”, using externalnow($e) that recursively replaces all the occurrence of \ " with the string \now".
Outline Motivation Viewing Relation History in XML Temporal Queries with XQuery The ArchIS System Performance Study Database Compression Conclusion
The ArchIS System Two approaches are possible for storing and querying H- documents (H-views) Native XML database approach: store H-documents directly into XML DB XML-enabled RDBMS. Design issues include: mapping (shredding) the XML views representing the H- documents into tables (H-tables) translation of queries from the XML views to the H-tables indexing, clustering and query mapping techniques ArchIS: Archival Information System
The ArchIS System: Architecture H-tables Relational Data Current Database Active Rules/ update logs Temporal XML Data SQL Queries Temporal XML Queries H-views (H-documents) ARCHIS
H-tables Assumptions Each entity or relation has a unique key ( or composite keys) to identify it which will not change along the history. e.g., employee: empno H-tables: attribute history table: store history of each attribute key table: built for the key global relation table: record the history of relations e.g.: current database: employee(empno, name, sex, DOB, deptno, salary, title)
H-tables (cont’d) current table H-tables employeeglobal relation table relations(relationname, tstart, tend) empnokey tableemployee_id(id, tstart, tend) nameattribute history table employee_name(id, name, tstart, tend) …… salaryemployee_salary(id, salary, tstart, tend) titleemployee_title(id, title, tstart, tend)
H-tables (cont’d) Sample contents of employee_salary: ID SALARY TSTART TEND ======= ======= ========== ========== /04/ /04/ /05/ /04/ /05/ /04/ /05/ /03/ /04/ /03/ /13/ /13/
Updating Table Histories Changes in the current database can be tracked with either update logs or triggers DB2: triggers ArchIS: update logs
Query Mapping General purpose query mapping: XPeranto In ArchIS, we have well-defined mapping between H-documents (or H-views) and H- tables We map temporal XQuery queries into SQL, utilizing SQL/XML SQL/XML is a new standard to map between RDBMS and XML Both tag-binding and structure construction is pushed inside the relational engine, thus be very efficient
SQL/XML Publishing Functions XMLElement and XMLAttribute XMLAgg select XMLElement (Name "dept", XMLAttributes (tstart as "tstart", tend as "tend"), deptname) from dept where deptname = ‘Sales’ Sales Sales select XMLElement (Name as "new_employees", XMLAttributes ("02/04/2003" as "Since") XMLAgg (XMLElement (Name as "employee", from employee_name as e where e.tstart >= ‘02/04/2003’ Bob Jack Bob Jack
XQuery Mapping to SQL with SQL/XML select XMLElement (Name "salaryhistory", XMLAgg (XMLElement (Name as "salary", XMLAttributes (S.tstart as tstart, S.tend as "tend"), S.salary))) from employee_salary as S, employee_name as N where = and = 'Bob' group by select XMLElement (Name "salaryhistory", XMLAgg (XMLElement (Name as "salary", XMLAttributes (S.tstart as tstart, S.tend as "tend"), S.salary))) from employee_salary as S, employee_name as N where = and = 'Bob' group by Temporal projection: retrieve the salary history of “Bob”: element salary_history { for $s in doc("employees.xml")/ employees/employee/[name=“Bob”]/salary return $s } element salary_history { for $s in doc("employees.xml")/ employees/employee/[name=“Bob”]/salary return $s }
XQuery Mapping to SQL with SQL/XML: Steps Identification of variable range Map variables in FOR/LET clause into underlying H- tables Generation of join conditions There is a join condition any pair of distinct tuple variables: join them by ids Translation of built in functions Map built-in temporal functions in XQuery into functions in ArchIS Output generation use XMLElement and XMLAgg constructs
Temporal Clustering and Indexing Tuples in H-tables are stored in the order of updates, thus neither temporally clustered nor clustered by objects Traditional indexes such as B+ Tree will not help on snapshot queries, and better temporal clustering is needed For every segment, usefulness: U = N live /N all At the beginning, U =100%, and it decreases with updates The minimum tolerable usefulness: U min
Live Segment-based Clustering Scheme Segment 1 All Segment 2 All Live Segment 3 All segstart1segend1segstart2segend2segstart3segend3 tstart tuple <= segend SEG tend tuple >= segstart SEG tstart tuple <= segend SEG tend tuple >= segstart SEG
Segment-based Clustering Scheme Initially all tuples for an attribute history table are archived in a live segment SEG live with usefulness U =100%. With updates, when U drops below U min : 1. A new segment is allocated; 2. The interval of this segment is recorded in the table segment(segno, segstart, segend); 3. All tuples in SEGlive are copied into a new segment Si sorted by id; 4. All live tuples in SEG live are copied into a new live segment SEG live', and the old live segment is dropped; After that, the new segment SEG live’ becomes the new starting segment for updates
Segment-based Clustering Scheme (cont’d) Sample segments: Segment1 (01/01/ /17/1991): ID SALARY TSTART TEND /20/198802/19/ /20/ /19/ /20/ /19/ /20/ /31/ Segment2 (10/18/ /08/1995): ID SALARY TSTART TEND /20/ /19/ /20/ /18/ /19/ /18/ /19/ /18/ /19/ /31/
Advantages of Segment-based Clustering Scheme The current live segment always has a high usefulness, assuring efficient updates; Records are globally temporally clustered on segments; For snapshot queries, only one segment is used; for interval queries, only segments involved are used; Flexibility to control the number of redundant tuples in segments with U min
Storage Usage of Segment-based Clustering Relative storage size with different U min N seg <= N 0/ (1-U min ) NSNS
Query Performance on Temporal Data with Segment-based Clustering Queries: Point: Q1 Snapshot: Q2 Interval: Q5 History: Q3, Q4, Q6
Outline Motivation Viewing Relation History in XML Temporal Queries with XQuery The ArchIS System Performance Study Database Compression Conclusion
Performance Study: Experimental Setup Systems: Tamino, DB2, and ArchIS ArchIS uses BerkeleyDB as its storage manager, and it builds on top of it a SQL query engine Temporal data set: the history of 300,024 employees over 17 years The simulation models real world salary increases, changes of titles, and changes of departments The size of the XML data is 334MB The single large XML document is cut into a collection of 15,000 small XML documents with around 25KB each Machine: Pentium IV 2.4GHz PC with RedHat 8.0
Performance Study: Query Performance snapshot query Q2 on ArchIS is 137 times faster than that on Tamino; interval query Q5 is 91 times faster; history Q6 is 25 times faster; Q4 4 times faster, and Q3 near 3 times faster. Tamino with clustering: snapshot Q2 is 3.3 times faster than without clustering ( still 41 times slower than archIS); interval query Q5 is 2.9 times faster than without clustering ( still 31 times slower than on ArchIS); history queries are much slower DB2 and ArchIS: with clustering Tamino: without clustering
Storage Utilization
Outline Motivation Viewing Relation History in XML Temporal Queries with XQuery The ArchIS System Performance Study Database Compression Conclusion
Database Compression The disparity between CPU/memory and disk speeds is becoming larger and larger Cost to read one IDE disk page: 14ms Cost to uncompress one page: 1.1ms(500MHz CPU) 0.26ms(2.4GHz CPU) Cost to retrieve one compressed page: 14ms ms = 14.3ms Cost to retrieve uncompressed pages (3.6 pages): 14ms x 3.6 = 50.4ms
Page-based Compression: PageZIP Traditional data compression tools: compress a file as a whole PageZIP: page-based compression and uncompression at the granularity of a page Based on gzip library: zlib Benefit: save space; point, snapshot or interval queries only retrieve a small fraction of the history, and can be efficient
PageZIP Segment 1 Segment n page 1 ID: page 2 ID: page 3 ID: … …
Storage Utilization with Compression For each attribute history table, we compress it as a sequence of pages and store each page as a BLOB in a RDBMS employee_salary (sid, salary, tstart, tend) => employee_salary_blob(pageno, startsid, endsid, pageblob)
Query Performance with Compression
Update Performance For RDBMS, only the current segment is used for updates. For Tamino, current data and historical data are clustered together Update an employee’s salary: DB2: 0.29 seconds; Tamino: 1.2 seconds Assume that every employee gets updated once a year: about 1/260 of the total employee get updated every day on average DB2: 1.52 seconds; Tamino: 15 seconds In the worse case for segment-based archiving: 39 seconds for copying segments and 36 segments for compression: but only once
Summary We built a transaction time temporal database on RDBMS and XML, with: XML to support temporally grouped (virtual) representations of the database history XQuery to express powerful temporal queries on such views temporal clustering for managing the actual historical data in a RDBMS SQL/XML for executing the queries on the XML views as equivalent queries on the relational DB compression as option for efficient storage ArchIS provides a unified solution for a wide spectrum of temporal application problems
Future Work Friendly temporal query interfaces based on temporally grouped models Other clustering and indexing techniques to be investigated Other efficient data compression techniques proposed for XML data to be investigated Apply the approach to valid-time DB and bi- temporal DB Apply the approach to OODBMS and semi- structured data model