Technical Rope Rescue Pick-Off Rescues
Standards NFPA 1670 Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents 2014 Edition Discuss how standards will dictate objectives and training programs as well as SOPs.
NFPA 1670 Chapter 5 Rope Rescue 5.3 Operations Level 5.3.2 Organizations operating at the operations level for rope rescue incidents shall, commensurate with the identified needs of the organization, develop and implement procedures for rescues involving movement of persons from one stable location to another, including, but not limited to, the following; (2)* Assuring safety in rope rescue operations (4) Selecting, using, and maintaining rope rescue equipment and rope rescue systems (9) Selecting, constructing, and using a belay system (11) Ascending and descending a fixed rope (13)* Selecting, constructing, and using a lowering system both the low- and high-angle environment In NFPA 1670
NFPA 1670 Chapter 5 Rope Rescue 5.4 Technician Level 5.4.2 Organizations operating at the technician level for rope rescue incidents shall develop and implement procedures, commensurate with the identified needs of the organization; for the following: (1)* Accessing a patient using techniques that require rescuers to climb up or down natural or man-made structures, which can expose the climber to a significant fall hazard (4) Understanding and applying the principles of the physics involved in constructing rope rescue systems, including system safety factors, critical angles, and the causes and effects of force multipliers In NFPA 1670
Standards NFPA 1006 Standard for Rescue Technician Professional Qualifications 2014 Edition Discuss how standards will dictate objectives and training programs as well as SOPs.
NFPA 1006 Chapter 6 Rope Rescue 6.2.1*Complete an assignment while suspended from a rope rescue system in a high-angle environment, given a rope rescue system, an assignment, life safety harnesses, litters, bridles, and specialized equipment necessary for the environment, so that risks to victims and rescuers are minimized; the means of attachment to the rope rescue system is secure; selected specialized equipment facilitates efficient rescuer movement; and specialized equipment does not unduly increase risks to rescuers or victims.
NFPA 1006 Chapter 6 Rope Rescue 6.2.2* Manage the movement of the victim as the rescuer in a high-angle environment, given a rope rescue system, a specified minimum travel distance for the victim, victim transfer devices, and specialized equipment necessary for the environment, so that risks to victims and rescuers are minimized; undesirable victim movement within the transfer device is minimized; the means of attachment to the rope rescue system is maintained; the victim is removed from the hazard; selected specialized equipment facilitates efficient victim movement; and the victim can be transported to the local EMS provider.
Technical Rope Rescue Pick-Off Rescues
Objectives Understand when Pick-Off rescues are to be used. List two types of Pick-Off rescues Explain and demonstrate the set-up and operation of both a lowering and rappel pick-off rescue.
When to Do Pick-Off Rescues Designed for victims that are hung-up and not injured Minor injuries that don’t require immobilization Victim must be able to help himself and rescuer
Two Types Lower Method Rappel Method
Lowering Pick-Off Rescues
Lowering ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Rescuer hands remain free Easily converted to a raise No rope below rescuer for victim to grab DISADVANTAGES Requires extra manpower and equipment
Set - Up Be prepared to attach the victim to your system before going over the edge Can mean the difference between a successful rescue and watching a victim slip through your fingers
System Set - Up Set anchors to lower rescuer next to not over victim Consider rock fall Attach rescuer to both Main and Belay Attach Prusiks just above the knots on both lines
System Set - Up Attach a Pick-Off Strap to Prusiks with adjustable end towards Prusiks 5. Attach victim harness to Pick-Off Strap
System Operation Lower rescuer to a point just above the victim to where the victim can’t grab or pull on him. Rescuer explains in detail what is about to happen and the consequences if the victim does not do as he is told.
System Operation (cont.) Rescuer is then lowered to a point where the rescuers head is about even with victims shoulders. Rescuer attaches waist strap of victim harness and tightens. Do one leg strap at a time Now tighten up Pick-Off strap and adjust length appropriately
Rescue on Black Mountain
Rescue on Black Mountain
Rappel Pick-Off Rescues
Rappel Pick-Off ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Rappel pick-off is generally faster Less man power needed DISADVANTAGES Hands are not free until locked off Managed by a single rescuer
Rappel Pick-Off Set-Up Set an anchor for a fixed line Location of fall line should not be directly over victim Remember if victim is able to grab the rope it turns into a Bottom Belay. The Pick-Off Strap is attached to the bottom of the descender If a Figure “8” is used consider the weight, perhaps a double wrap is needed
Operation Rescuer rappels to a point above and out of reach of the victim Explains to the victim what is to happen next and what is expected from him The rescuer then descends to a point where he can reach the victims waist and apply the victim harness
Operation Locks off descender Attach victim harness Adjust strap, untie and rappels down with victim below him.
Summary When to do a Pick-Off Rescue Two Types Lowering Rappel Advantages and Disadvantages (Lowering vs. Rappel)
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