Research is a process of inquiry 報告人:歸家均 指導教授:任維廉 教授
自我介紹 姓名:歸家均 學歷:運管系大四 興趣:打籃球、排球、 吃生魚片 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
大綱 Basic Assumption of Science Observation and Inference: Facts and Constructs Conceptual Models in Science Inductive and Deductive Thinking, Models and Theories in Science A Model of The Research Process -Phases of Research -Levels of Constraint Summary 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Basic Assumption of Science A true, physical universe does exist. While there is randomness and thus unpredictability in the universe, it is primarily an orderly system. This real and orderly universe is knowable through human intelligence, particularly through scientific research. All knowledge is tentative. 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Observation and Inference: Facts and Constructs At a minimum, scientific research involves: 1. Creating and posing a question. 2. Determining how to go about answering the question. 3. Planning for and making appropriate empirical observations. 4. Rationally making sense out of those observations. 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Observation and Inference: Facts and Constructs Fact: Events that can be directly, empirically observed. Observation: The empirical process of using our senses to recognize and to note factual events. Inference: An intellectual process in which conclusion are derived from observed facts or from other ideas. Construct: Nonobservable inferred events be constructed rational ideas by the researcher. 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Conceptual Models in Science Model: A description or analogy to help understand something that is usually unseen and/or more complex. 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Conceptual Models in Science Only represents reality, not duplicate it. Can be constructed to represent any aspect of the universe that we wish to study. Incomplete, tentative and analogical. 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Inductive and Deductive Thinking Induction VS Deduction The major aim of science is theory. Four types of theories: -Inductive theory -deductive theory -functional theory -Model 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
A Model of The Research Process Phase of research: From generating an idea to the final communication. Levels of constraint: The degree to which researcher imposes limits or controls on any part of the research process. 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Phase of research 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Levels of constraint Low-Level Constraints Naturalistic Observation Case-Study Method of Observation Correlational Research Differential Research Experimental Research High-Level Constraints 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
A Two-Dimensional Model 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均
Summary Research is a process of inquiry in which they generate ideas, define , observe, analyze, interpret, and communicate it. The central part is making empirical observations. Which kind of constraints should be used is important for the researcher to choose. 運輸科技管理學系 歸家均