Early Life By Anand, Lewis and Adil
Key Issues: The beginning of life 1)When does life begin? Is it at conception, when the egg and sperm fuse? Is it when a baby has its own heart that beats? Is it when the baby is born? Is it when the baby has a backbone? Different people have different views, and ultimately each view will affect different peoples response to abortions. For some, an abortion is the termination of a fetus, but for other it may not be because of their view point of when life begins.
Abortion 2) Should abortions be allowed to happen? Pro Choice: Yes, it is the women's decision as to what she does with her body. Abortions can be argued to not be ending life depending on a persons view of when life begins. Is there anything wrong with abortions in this case? What if the baby is disabled? It would be cruel to let it suffer through its bad quality of life. Pro Life: No, as all life is sacred and a gift from God. With or without a disability, a baby deserves the right to live. We cannot predict the life of a baby, if we abort children how do we know we are not aborting a significant individual that could for example cure cancer? Abortion is the murder of an innocent being, murder is wrong.
Alternatives to abortion 3) If babies are aloud to be born, what should happen to them? Keep the baby: In spite of the problems the baby could cause, such as affecting the lives of existing children with or without disabilities, or affect the mother as a form of new responsibility, the baby should be kept as it should be with its biological parents. Fostering: The baby should be raised by temporary parents until the biological parents (if they are not able to look after the baby straight away) are able to. The baby is emotionally scarred as they will either have to leave their foster parents who they have become attached to, or remain with them knowing that they are not their biological parent. Adoption: Non biological parents legally make the baby apart of their family, but this move might affect the babies childhood growing up, and may affect the mother emotionally. This issue is essentially to do with the treatment of the baby in different scenarios, such as if the baby is not wanted after giving birth to, or if the baby has parents who are not mature or ready to commit to the baby. These options have the benefits and downsides and are often debated as to which one is the right choice for the babies life.
Religious Quotes from the Bible “Only God can give or take life” It is wrong to kill Exodus 20:13 “You shall not murder”. Every living being has the right to live Proverbs 31:8-9 “Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Key terms Abortion: The termination of a fetus. Conception: When the egg and sperm fuse. Sanctity of Life: The belief that all life is sacred and a gift from god. Quality of Life: The measure of how much a persons life is worth living. Pro Choice: Arguments in favour of abortions. Pro Life: Arguments against abortions. Fostering: When a baby lives for a period of time with non biological parents. Adoption: When a baby legally lives under new parents who become known as its biological parents.