Stellar Classification & Planet Detection


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Presentation transcript:

Stellar Classification & Planet Detection Meteo 466

Reading for this week “How to Find a Habitable Planet”, James Kasting. Chapter 10, 11 & 12. For this lecture, part of Chapter 10 & all of Chapter 11 Cassan et al., Nature (2012) Udry & Santos, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. (2007))

How bright is a star ? The brightness of a star is specified in magnitudes. Hipparchus (190 B.C – 120 B.C) based it on how bright a star appeared to the unaided eye. Brightest stars are Magnitude 1 & dimmest stars are Magnitude 6 (barely visible) Refined definition: Difference of 5 magnitudes (1 to 6) corresponds to a factor of 100 times in intensity (flux). m1 – m2 = -2.5 log(flux2 / flux1)

Color- (apparent) magnitude Apparent Magnitude: Brightness Measure as seen from Earth Color: The difference in apparent magnitudes in different filters

Color- (absolute) magnitude If the distance ‘d’ to the star is known: Absolute magnitude = app. Magnitude – 5 Log(d) Giants Main sequence White dwarfs

Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) Diagram O and B stars Main sequence Sun G stars M-stars See also The Earth System, p. 194 O B A F G K M

Evolution of Sun like star Is white-dwarf “The” end ??

Evolution of Sun like star Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA), Northwestern University

Evolution of 10 MSun star Fission Fusion

Evolution of 10 MSun star Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA), Northwestern University

Stars in the solar neighborhood Within 12.5 light years, there are 33 stars. Most of them Red dwarfs.

Ultimate goal: To find Earth-like planets, if they exist, and to search for evidence of life So, how do we do that?

Exoplanet detection methods (ordered by the number of detections ) Indirect Radial velocity (Doppler method) Transits Gravitational microlensing Pulsar planets Astrometric Direct Optical imaging Infrared interferometry

Pulsar planets (Doppler technique in time) Alex Wolszczan (1991): 3 planets around pulsar PSR B1257+12 Arecibo radio telescope pulsar_planets_text.html

Extrasolar planet geometry One must think about geometry at which the system is being observed Let i = inclination of the planet’s orbital plane with respect to the plane of the sky  = angle of the planet’s orbital planet with respect to the observer

Radial (Doppler) Velocity

Radial (Doppler) Velocity Jupiter: K = 12.6 m/s Earth : K = 0.1 m/s

First detection around sun like star : 51 Pegasi b ~ 0.5 Jupiter (Mayor & Queloz, 1995)

Velocity curve for 51 Pegasus (Mayor & Queloz, 1996) Mass of the planet is only a lower limit because the plane of the planet’s orbit is uncertain (Msin I = 0.47 MJ in this case)

Radial (Doppler) Velocity elliptical orbit

Velocity curve for HD66428  orbit is eccentric (e = 0.5 in this case) More often than not, the velocity curves are not symmetric  orbit is eccentric (e = 0.5 in this case)

RV around M-dwarfs Mahadevan et al.(2011)

Currently known exoplanets J E V

Planet eccentricity vs. semi-major axis (Jan 27, 2012) Extrasolar Planet Encyclopedia

88 Known Multi - Planet Systems Kepler - 11

Planetary systems allow for more detailed analysis 2 massive planets orbiting HD 168443 Planetary masses 8 MJ 18 MJ HD 69830 b : 0.61 neptune c : 0.70 neptune d : 1.07 neptune

Gliese 581 system Spectral type: M3V (0.31 M, 0.0135 L) 4 planets discovered by radial velocity: a (AU) Mass (M) b 0.041 >15.6 c 0.073 >5.06 d 0.253 >8.3 e 0.028 >1.7 Ref.: S. Udry et al., A&A (2007) (Image from Wikkipedia)

Tentative conclusions for the Gliese 581 system* Gliese 581c (> 5.1 M) is probably not habitable Stellar flux is 30% higher than that for Venus Gliese 581d (>8.3 M) could conceivably be habitable, but it is probably an ice giant Near the (poorly determined) outer edge of the HZ *Selsis et al., A&A (2007) *von Bloh et al., A&A (2007)

Gliese 581g ? Gliese 581g (~ 3 M), “Zarmina’s world”, apparently exists in the HZ (Vogt et al 2010) The Swiss group with HARPS instrument found it doesn’t exist !

Planet Mass Distribution Occurrence rate α M-0.48 (for periods < 50 days) Howard et al. (2011), Science

Packed Planetary systems Planetary systems form in such a way that the system could not support additional planets between the orbits of the existing ones (gaps with stable orbits contain an unseen planet) Barnes et al.(2005) Kopparapu et al. (2009) HD 74156 (Barnes et al.2005) HD 47186 (Kopparapu et al. 2009)

Gravitational microlensing dL ds Planets can also be detected by gravitational microlensing This method takes advantage of the fact that, according to general relativity, light rays are bent by a gravitational field -- or, equivalently, space-time is distorted and light travels along straight paths in the distorted reference frame)

A microlensing event When the lensing star passes in front of the source star, the light from the source star is amplified by a factor of as much as 10-20 The typical duration of a microlensing event is minutes to hours

An event with planets If the lensing star has planets, then the light curve can be distorted (i.e., you get spikes) The planets must be near the Einstein ring radius to be detected Typically, the ring radius is outside of the habitable zone, so this technique is not that useful for finding habitable planets

Planet Mass Distribution (Microlensing) Sensitivity: 0.5 to 10 AU 5 Earth to 10 Jup The majority of all detected planets have masses below that of Saturn, though the survey sensitivity is much lower for those planets Low-mass planets are thus found to be much more common than giant planets. Cassan et al.(2012)

Planet Mass Distribution (Microlensing) 17% of stars host Jupiter mass planets 52% of stars host Neptune mass 62% of stars host Super-Earths On average, every star in the Milkyway has 1.6 planetstwithin 0.5 to 10 AU !! Planets around stars in our Galaxy thus seem to be the rule rather than the exception.

Historical astrometry: Barnard’s star Second closest star to Earth (6 light yrs), in Ophiucus Red dwarf (M3.8) Largest stellar proper motion (10.3”/yr) Moving towards us. Will be closest star (3.8 l.y.) in about 12,000 yrs Discovered by Edward Emerson Barnard (1957-1923) Studied hard by Peter van de Kamp from 1938 until his death in 1995. Thought to have a planet, but this hypothesis was later proved to be incorrect 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

The sexagesimal system of angular measurement unit value symbol abbreviations conversion degree 1/360 circle ° deg 17.45 mrad arcminute 1/60 degree ′ (prime) arcmin, amin, , MOA 290.89 µrad arcsecond 1/60 arcminute ″ (double prime) arcsec 4.8481 µrad milliarcsecond 1/1000 arcsecond mas 4.848 nrad Equivalently, there are 1,296,000 arcsec in a circle

Determination of parallax A star’s parallax, p, is the angle by which it appears to move as the Earth moves around the Sun A star that moves by 1 arcsecond when Earth moves by 1 AU relative to the Sun is defined to be at at distance of 1 parsec 1 pc = 1 AU/sin p = 3.0857×1013 km = 3.262 light years

Astrometric method Calculated motion of the Sun from 1960 to 2025, as viewed from a distance of 10 pc, or about 32 light years above the plane of the Solar System, i.e., at i = 0o Scale is in arcseconds You get the actual mass of the planet because the plane of the planet’s orbit can be determined Can do astrometry from the ground, but the best place to do it is in space  material/sim_material.cfm

Astrometric missions Hipparcos 1989 – 1993 (ESA) Precise proper motion & parallax for 118,000 stars (1 milli-arc sec) Sun-Earth 0.3 micro-arc sec Gaia 2013 (ESA) Parallax for 1 billion stars (20 micro-arc sec) 3-D map of our Galaxy

SIM – Space Interferometry Mission This mission will do extremely accurate astrometry from space