РЕВОЛЮЦИИ В АСТРОМЕТРИИ В.В.Витязев, СПбГУ «Астрономия-2006: Традиции, настоящее и будущее» 28 июня 2006 года
Cодержание Классическая астрометрия Миллисекундная революция На пути к микросекундной революции
Точность измерений
Классическая астрометрия – спокойная наука Точность одного измерения " В быту: «Астрономическая точность» Астрометрия – это то, чем занимаются астрометристы
Задачи классической астрометрии Система отсчета на небе Система отсчета на Земле Измерение времени Астрономические постоянные Движение планет и их спутников Кинематика звезд Вращение Земли
Пространство и время в классической астрометрии FK5 (1535 звезд) PPM (370 тыс. звезд)
Прорывы в астрометрии Шкала атомного времени неравномерность вращения Земли Радиолокация планет Солнечной системы независимое определение меры АЕ Лазерная локация ИСЗ и Луны движение полюсов в теле Земли
Мера Астрономической единицы НАЗЕМНАЯ ОПТИЧЕСКАЯ АСТРОМЕТРИЯ ( ) м РАДИОЛОКАЦИЯ ПЛАНЕТ 1960 г. ( ) м 1961 г. ( ) м 1998 г. ( ) м 1999 г. ( ) м 1999 г. ( ) м 1991 г. ( ) м
ПЕРЕСТРОЙКА В АСТРОМЕТРИИ Переход от НТТ к ОТО Релятивистские шкалы времени Новая система отсчета ICRS (ICRF)
CONVENTIONS 2003 CHAPTER 1 General Definitions and Numerical Standards CHAPTER 2 Conventional Celestial Reference Frame CHAPTER 3 Conventional Dynamical Reference Frame CHAPTER 4 Conventional Terrestrial Reference System CHAPTER 5 Transformation Between the Celestial and Terrestrial Systems CHAPTER 6 Geopotential CHAPTER 7 Displacement of Reference Points CHAPTER 8 Tidal Variations in UT1 CHAPTER 9 Tropospheric Model CHAPTER 10 General Relativistic Models for Time, Coordinates and Equations of Motion CHAPTER 11 General Relativistic Models for Propagation
Каталог квазаров ICRF Международная небесная система отсчета 3С273
Международная Земная Система Отсчета ITRF
Возможности РСДБ
Параметры Ориентации Земли x,y – координаты полюса LOD – длина суток прецессия и нутация Характерные масштабы:
Прецессия и нутация
Движение полюса в теле Земли
Неравномерность вращения Земли
Длина базы
Тектоника плит
GPS: Движение плит GPS: Движение плит
Движение литосферных плит
Структура квазаров
Космическая астрометрия
Спутник HIPPARCOS HIgh Precision Parallax COllecting Satellite , 1997
Орбита спутника HIPPARCOS
Сканирование небесной сферы
Этапы проекта HIPPARCOS
HIPPARCOSTYCHO Система каталога ICRS Средняя эпоха наблюдений Количество звезд Предельная зв. величина 12.4 m 11.5 m Полнота7.3 m - 9 m 10.5 m Средние точности: положений< 1 mas mas Собств. движений< 1 mas/yr параллаксов 1 mas Ср. точность фотометрии mag mag
Диаграмма H-R
Влияние точности параллаксов на вид диаграммы Г-Р
Что дал HIPPARCOS Для астрометрии Для Галактической астрономии Для астрофизики
Научные задачи, решаемые по данным спутника HIPPARCOS Произведен анализ 1485 статей, авторы которых использовали каталоги HIPPARCOS и TYCHO. Статьи вышли в гг.
Классическая астрономия Астрометрия % Кинематика звезд 127 Двойные и кратные звезды 113 Звездные скопления 124 Шкала расстояний 53 Итого %
Астрофизика Переменные звезды 143 Характеристики звезд 139 Звездная эволюция 43 Химический состав звезд 45 Прочие темы 371 Итого %
Астрометрия: ICRF HCRF
Точность привязки к ICRF
3D Astrometry
«Мгновенные» собственные движения звезд
МСЗ на диаграмме HR
Галактическая астрономия The Milky Way: it's floppy and it changes shape From Hipparcos results on many distant stars, astronomers from Turin Observatory, Italy, and Oxford University, UK, deduce that the disk is slightly warped, like the brim of a hat. What's more, the distant stars are travelling in unexpected directions which, if continued, will change the shape of the Milky Way.
Ближайшая цефеида -- Полярная звезда (122 пк) Кривая блеска Полярной звезды (HIPPARCOS)
ЗАВИСИМОСТЬ "СВЕТИМОСТЬ - ПЕРИОД" M = lgP Lg r = 0.2(m - M) + 1 HIPPARCOS: -- M = ( ) lgP (Feast et al. MNRAS v.286, Issue1, pp.L1-L5, 1997) -- distance moduli: Large Magellanic Cloud , M Hubble constant now need to be decreased by ~10 per cent --- The age of the oldest Galactic globular cluster is ~11 Gyr
Звезды стали моложе, а Вселенная - старше "Hipparcos cured a headache for cosmologists," said Michael Feast of Cape Town University, South Africa. "We now judge the Universe to be bigger and therefore older, by about a billion years. The oldest stars are much younger than supposed, by about 4 billion years. If the Universe is about 12 billion years old, everything fits nicely."
Примеры Interstellar extinction Stellar seismology Variable Star Distance Scales Post-Hipparcos cosmic candles Confirming a Nobel Prize winning theory with the HIPPARCOS space-craft: Accurately determining distances and diameters of white dwarf stars
Примеры Consequences of HIPPARCOS parallaxes for stellar evolutionary models. White Dwarf Magnetic Fields and the Mass- Radius Relation A new constraint on the theory of stellar шnteriors and model atmospheres Interstellar reddening from the HIPPARCOS and TYCHO catalogues.
Примеры интересных тем Fate of the Universe Age of the Universe Dark Matter
Союз Земли и Неба
Каталог FK6 (1999) FK6 = FK5 + HIPPARCOS Ошибки собственных движений 878 звезд: FK mas/y HIPPARCOS 0.67 mas/y Достигнуто ДВУКРАТНОЕ увеличение точности
Каталог TYCHO-2 (2000). Наблюдательный материал: TYCHO-1 CUO, USNO, ARI, ESO 2.5 млн. звезд Всего звезд Полнота: 99% для V = % для V = 11.5 Ошибки координат звезд: 10 mas (V < 9) и 100 mas (V < 12) Ошибки с. дв. звезд : 1.3 mas/y (V < 9) и 3.0 mas/y (V < 12)
Массовые каталоги Astrographic Catalog AC mln stars, mag, mean epoch 1907 USNO –B1. 1 mln stars, complete up V= 21 ACR (around equator) 1.3 mln stars, mean epoch , complete to V=17 GSC2.2, 19 mln stars, up to V=19.5
Инфракрасная Астрометрия 2MASS (пока на уровне 500 мсд)
Распределение галактик по небу
Центр Галактики
Движение звезд в окрестности центра Галактики
Будущие космические астрометрические проекты
Проекты космической астрометрии Проекты, не получившие поддержки: Roemer, FAME, DIVA, Ломоносов, Струве, AMEX ЕКА США Гер Россия Россия США Проекты на ранней стадии разработки: JASMINE (Япония), OBSS (США) Проекты, получившие поддержку : Gaia (ЕКА), SIM (США)
FAME: Объекты наблюдения
Gaia Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics A Stereoscopic Census of our Galaxy May
Gaia: One Billion Stars Astrometry (V < 20): –completeness to 20 mag (on-board detection) 10 9 stars –accuracy: arcsec at 15 mag (Hipparcos: 1 milliarcsec at 9 mag) –scanning satellite, two viewing directions global accuracy, with optimal use of observing time –principles: global astrometric reduction (as for Hipparcos) Radial velocity (V < 16-17): –application: third component of space motion, perspective acceleration dynamics, population studies, binaries spectra: chemistry, rotation –principles: slitless spectroscopy using Ca triplet ( nm) Photometry (V < 20): –astrophysical diagnostics (5 broad + 11 medium-band) + chromaticity T eff ~ 200 K, log g, [Fe/H] to 0.2 dex, extinction
One Billion Stars in 3-d will Provide… in our Galaxy… –the distance and velocity distributions of all stellar populations –the spatial and dynamic structure of the disk and halo –its formation history –a rigorous framework for stellar structure and evolution theories –a large-scale survey of extra-solar planets (~10–20,000) –a large-scale survey of Solar System bodies (~100,000) …and beyond –definitive distance standards out to the LMC/SMC –rapid reaction alerts for supernovae and burst sources (~20,000) –QSO detection, redshifts, microlensing structure (~500,000) –fundamental quantities to unprecedented accuracy: to ( present)
Planets: Expected Discoveries Astrometric survey: –monitoring of hundreds of thousands of FGK stars to ~200 pc –detection limits: ~1M J and P < 10 years –complete census of all stellar types, P = 2–9 years –masses, rather than lower limits (m sin i) –multiple systems measurable, giving relative inclinations Results expected: –10–20,000 planets (~10 per day) –displacement for 47 UMa = 360 as –orbits for ~5000 systems –masses down to 10 M Earth to 10 pc Photometric transits: ~5000?
Asteroids etc: –deep and uniform (20 mag) detection of all moving objects –10 5 –10 6 new objects expected (65,000 presently) –taxonomy/mineralogical composition versus heliocentric distance –diameters for ~1000, masses for ~100 –orbits: 30 times better than present, even after 100 years –Trojan companions of Mars, Earth and Venus –Kuiper Belt objects: ~300 to 20 mag (binarity, Plutinos) Near-Earth Objects : –Amors, Apollos and Atens (442, 455, 75 known today) –~1600 Earth-crossers >1 km predicted (100 currently known) –detection limit: 260–590 m at 1 AU, depending on albedo Gaia: Studies of the Solar System
Satellite and System Mass: 1700 kg (payload 800 kg) Power: 2000 W (payload 1200 W) ESA only mission Launch date: 2011 Lifetime: 5 years Launcher: Soyuz Orbit: L2 Ground station: Perth or Madrid Data rate: 1 Mbps
Catalogue Schedule Acceptance Technology Development Design, Build, Test Launch Observations Analysis Early Data Concept & Technology Study ESA SCI 2000(4) Re-Assessment: Ariane Soyuz To L2 Assumed start of Phase B2
SIM PlanetQuest will: search for terrestrial planets around nearby stars, and measure planetary masses characterize the orbital ellipticity and inclination of multiple-planet systems, to determine the stability and the evolution of planetary systems search for “Solar System analog” systems with giant planets at 5-10AU investigate formation and migration scenarios that might explain the puzzling presence of ‘hot Jupiters’ in very short-period orbits
O R I G I N A N D D E S T I N Y O F S T A R S SIM will: Associate stars with their sites of formation to advance studies of their evolution Assist in measuring the masses and luminosities of compact stellar remnants Probe the formation of binary stars
Comparison of SIM with GAIA GAIA's strength is in numbers. The mission will survey ~1 billion stars, with both astrometric and radial velocity measurements. GAIA is a global astrometric mission, with a goal of ~16 µas at 15 mag. At 18 mag the accuracy falls to ~200 µas whereas SIM will still be capable of 6 µas accuracy For astrometry of extragalactic targets, at 18 mag SIM's advantage is very large, similar to its advantage for planet search. racy
What is JASMINE JASMINE is Japan Astrometry Satellite Mission for INfrared Exploration
JASMINE We plan the infrared space astrometry(JASMINE) project in Japan. JASMINE is a scanning astrometric satellite and will measure parallaxes, positions, and proper motions with the precision of 10 μarcsec at z=15.5 mag(z- band: 0.9μm). JASMINE can observe a few hundred million stars belonging to the Galactic disk and bulge components which are hidden by the interstellar dust extinction in optical bands. It will be launched in around 2014 and the orbit will be the Lissajous orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 point with 5 years mission life. As for the payload, we adopt the 3-mirrors optical system(modified Korsch system) with the primary mirror of 2m diameter and 66.7m focal length. The beam combiner should be used for achievement of the global astrometry as used in the HIPPARCOS satellite. On the astro-focal plane, we put about 160 CCDs in which TDI mode(drift scan mode) can be operated. The effective filed of view is 0.23 square-degree. The main scientific objective of JASMINE is to study the fundamental structure and evolution of the Galactic disk and bulge. Furthermore its important objective is to investigate dark matters in small scales, stellar physics, exploration of other planet systems, gravitational lens objects, verification of the general relativity, etc.
"OSIRIS" The Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences proposed the project of a space mission intended for measurements of coordinates of stars. The expected accuracy will be about 10 micro arcseconds, that a hundred times exceeds accuracy of ground observations and while achieved in space. Such measurements will allow us to determine distances up to any stars in the Galaxy and its vicinities. Besides, the reference in the Universe will be specified - the metrological basis of all researches of the environmental world. The offered instrument is based on the principle of optical interferometry.The Optical Stellar Interferometer "OSIRIS" is the only astrometric device under development that will provide the microsecond precision of a single measurement.
РЕЗУЛЬТАТ Астрометрия – это то, чем раньше занимались астрометристы Астрометрия – это то, чем теперь занимаются и астрометристы, и астрофизики Great Accuracy In Astrometry - GAIA Great Advances In Astrophysics - GAIA