American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Keller Sponsorship Opportunities
What We Know… The Face of the American Cancer Society in Keller - Road to Recovery – A service for cancer patients that need a ride to treatment - Reach to Recovery – A service where newly diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients are paired up with an American Cancer Society trained Survivor for support. - Look Good Feel Better – This program provide patients in treatment an American Cancer Society trained cosmetologist (and make-up) to teach patients how to manage changes to their skin and hair that happen during treatment ACS-2345 – Not only a hotline for information, but Staff trained on services in the North Texas Region are there 24 hours a day, 365 days a week that can help patients navigate through their current situation, answer personal questions, and walk them through their personal health care system. Cancer accounts for 1 out of every 4 deaths More than 1,500 people a day are diagnosed with cancer 34,170 Texans will die this year from cancer Men have a 1 in 2 lifetime risk of developing cancer Women have a 1 in 3 lifetime risk of developing cancer An estimated 9,500 children ages 0-14 are diagnosed with cancer each year Cancer is the second leading cause of death in children, exceeded only by accidents How Your Company Benefits… This sponsorship packet allows you to support Relay For Life and gets your name out! High participation plus high interest from the news media can equal high visibility for you, demonstrating to your market that you care about the quality of life in your community. Your company will be associated with the American Cancer Society, the world's largest and oldest voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer.
American Cancer Society 2010 Relay For Life of Keller October 2-3, :00pm – 6:00am Keller Town Center Sponsorship Levels : Presenting Sponsor $5,000 Your company logo prominently placed on event T-Shirt Company logo prominently placed in event program May have up to four (4) teams without payment commitment fee Company Executive recognized from stage during Opening and Closing Ceremonies Recognition from the stage every 4 hours during the event Four (4) company banners (supplied by you) displayed track side. Also, your company will have the only ‘on stage’ banner Free Registration and pre-selection of tent locations for four (4) teams Company’s exhibit booth or table on “Sponsor Alley” Special Relay For Life Sponsorship plaque Corporate representative will have the opportunity to address the guests from the stage at the wrap-up party Platinum$2,500 Corporate logo on event T-Shirt (400 plus) Company logo in event program Three (3) of your banners (supplied by you) displayed trackside during relay Company recognized from the stage during opening and closing ceremonies Company exhibit booth or table on “Sponsor Alley” Team registration fees waived Special RFL Sponsorship plaque
Silver$500 Company name in Relay program Company logo on Relay T-Shirts Company recognized from the stage during Opening Ceremonies 2 Cancer Fact Signs with name placed around track Team registration fees waived Company exhibit booth or table on “Sponsor Alley” Special RFL Sponsorship plaque Bronze$250 Company name in Relay Program Team Registration fees waived Gold$1,000 Company logo prominently positioned on Relay T-Shirts Company logo displayed in Relay program Company recognized from the stage during Opening and Closing Ceremonies Company banner prominently displayed at Relay 2 Cancer Fact Signs with name placed around track Team registration fees waived Special RFL Sponsorship plaque Company exhibit booth or table on “Sponsor Alley” Friend of Relay – Cancer Fact Sign$102 1 Cancer Fact Sign with name/logo placed around track Company name (in print) on Relay T-Shirts 1 Cancer Fact Sign with logo displayed around track
* Contingent on Print Deadlines ** Sponsorship payment must be received by deadline to be included in Event Program. *** Sponsorship payment must be received by deadline to be included on T-shirt. **** Inclusion in newspaper advertisements will commence upon receipt of sponsorship contract and payment. It is the responsibility of the Sponsor to provide approved camera-ready logos and ads for printed materials and T-Shirt by Relay deadline to the Relay Committee. It is the responsibility of the company to provide the Relay Committee with the company banner. Complimentary Teams must submit a completed Team Registration Form and follow the Team requirements as outlined in the Team Captain Booklet. Registrations should be submitted as soon as possible and before Event deadlines. _______________________________ Make Note
American Cancer Society 2010 Relay For Life Sponsorship Contract *Please type or print clearly your Company information exactly as you would like it to appear on Relay promotions. *Please include a business card with your company logo. Company Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name____________________________________________ Title________________________________ Address_____________________________________ City______________________ State________ Zip_________ Phone___________________________ Fax______________________ _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Signature Date YES, I would like to support the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life Please invoice me for the amount indicated below Payment enclosed Please check one of the following: ___$5000 Diamond ___$2500 Platinum ___$1000 Gold ___$500 Silver ___$250 Bronze ___$102 Cancer Fact Sign Please return to:American Cancer SocietyPlease make checks payable to: American Cancer Society Attn: Keller Relay For Life ACS Tax ID West Freeway Fort Worth, TX Thank You for your generous support in the fight against cancer! Visit us at ACS-2345 OR