Green Cup The Greek Energy Savings Competition 2012 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education Conference Anton Walker, PowerSave Green Campus Project Coordinator Patrick Smith, Co-President of Greening the Greeks UC Berkeley
Outline BackgroundMotivationImplementationResultsChallenges and SuccessesFuture ImprovementsAccomplishments
Background UC BerkeleyThe Team
Background: OUR PROJECTS Energy DeCal Semester class taught by interns Green Departments Green certification program for campus departments Blackout Battles Bi-annual energy saving competition in the dorms Photos (from left to right): A walk- through audit of the Clark Kerr Housing kitchens with DeCal students; a green department certification meeting, a Blackout Battles icon More projects on
Motivation Most freshman move out of dorms… what do we do? Why Greek houses? 10% of student population Reinforce behaviors taught freshman year New audience Organized structure Receptive to money saving
WHO: 18 Greek houses compete for a $2000 retrofit HOW: Compare gas and electric savings Technical changes: given a $200 budget to purchase small improvements Behavioral changes: trained sustainability chairs from each house What is Green Cup? ^^ Green Cup logo
Implementation Planning Recruiting, liaisons, securing grant funding (The Green Initiative Fund), creating baselines Competition Publicity, audit/retrofits, surveys, prizes ^^ Planning: 4 months Competition: 2 months
Implementation Funding $8400 grant from The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) grant $2500 in retrofit prizes $200 retrofit for each house Recruiting and liaisons Kelley Doyle, President of Greening the Greeks Fraternity and sorority sustainability chairs Elizabeth Chan, thesis on behavioral changes Creating baselines From house utilities bills for Oct/Nov PLANNING
Implementation Promotion Low-cost outreach Behavioral Educated sustainability chairs Sustainability pledge Technical $200 budget retrofit COMPETITION << A fraternity member installs a CFL in his house >> Sustainability pledge
On-site Implementation Presentations at meetings Personal example Barrage of s Methods Performed energy efficiency audit for PSGC materials Exchanged all incandescents for CFLs and caulked/weatherstripped Actions Fraternity brothers were initially resistant Behavioral changes are difficult to make Sustainability was a low priority Sorority house rules make retrofits difficult Challenges
Results of Green Cup 2011 SAVINGS OUTREACH Kilo-watt hoursThermsDollars 29,220667$ 5,600 Greek MembersSustainability PledgesTraining st : Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) 2 nd : Kappa Alpha Order 39% reduction in energy use 40% reduction in energy use WINNERS SAVINGS OUTREACH
Challenges and Solutions Student-run system requires good relationships Communicate that saving energy reduces bills Understand audience, working with a Greek system Flexible incentives & deadlines Collaborate with other sustainability efforts Give simple but concrete tasks (e.g. fill out survey, create an Amazon wish list) Varying levels of participation
Green Cup 2012 Greater visibility More guidance on retrofit audits and installation Separate fraternity and sorority energy saving competition Reduce prize money from $2500 to $1000 each ^ Sustainable living guide posted in fraternity and sorority houses.
Accomplishments Targeted a new audience and engaged people who lacked a sustainability background Successful collaboration between two campus organizations Monetary savings greater than money we invested; significant grant money remaining ^ Fraternity member and PSGC intern Anton Walker installs low- flow shower heads
Acknowledgements Funding : Katherine Walsh, The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) Account Manager: Lisa McNeilly, Director Office of Sustainability Greening the Greeks: Kelley Doyle PowerSave Green Campus: Morwenna Rowe Behavioral Efficacy Study: Elizabeth Chan Alliance to Save Energy Campus Lead: Danielle Lauber
Contact Information Anton Walker PowerSave GreenCampus Intern Patrick Smith, Co-President of Greening the Greeks