First Assignment My name is Amy Salamone, and I am a freshman at Tennessee Technological University. My concentration major is Biology. I have also chosen the option of marine biology. I have chosen this concentration and option for many reasons. I have always done well in biology and it comes very easy to me probably because it is so interesting. I know that I want to be a biologist for sure, and being a marine biologist is very appealing. I love to study most all living things, especially aquatic animals. I watch The Discovery Channel all the time, just because I want to learn anything I can about marine life. It is my dream to travel around the world studying whales, squid, sharks, sponges, eels, fish, crustaceans, or even plankton. When anyone asks me what I want to do for the rest of my life, I get this vivid picture of myself in a laboratory or out in the ocean doing field research. I love the ocean and I want to know all I can about what is under the surface. I would be good at doing this job because I am so driven. I have proven myself by being passionate about my goals and being academically sound. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty doing my job as long as I am working directly with animals. Also, I would not mind moving to exotic places or studying exotic creatures. I plan to take all the classes that would best help me to be a well-rounded graduate. I am going to pursue graduate studies to aid in achieving my future career.
Second Assignment The descriptions of the many clubs were very informative. There are two clubs in particular that I am interested in. One club is the marine biology club, and the other is the Tri Beta club. I would like to be in the marine biology club because my major is marine biology and I think that it will help me be able to do things within my major. It also sounds like it could be fun. I would like to join Tri Beta because it is an honor society and that may help me stand out in future situations. They also seem to have fun while doing things beneficial for our environment.
Third Assignment
Code of Ethics