Content of this presentation What is the ERA? What is the aim of the ERA? What does the ERA? What can the ERA do for you? Why the needs analysis? How the needs analysis?
What is the ERA? European Rehabilitation Academy Academy Council Academics HRM-professionals Directors Academy co-ordinator European approach
European Rehabilitation Academy Centre oriented support facility for staff development Identification training needs -Methodology - Review - European dimension Design/delivery training programmes -Programme design - Access to International experts/expertise - Pedagogic approach - Organisation European accrediting body for rehabilitation professionals -Accreditation system -Accreditation Council -Sectoral recognition -Design individual learning path/porfolio Individual oriented staff development European oriented training programmes -Accredited training programmes - Innovative European training programmes
What is the aim of the ERA? To support centres in their training activities Centre oriented support facility for staff development To provide professionals with the latest developments within the field of rehabilitation Individual oriented staff development
What does the ERA?
Types of Activities Type 1: Academy projects Type 2: Planned International projects Type 3: Planned National projects Knowledge Management Centre
Type 1 Academy projects The activities (seminars, workshops, work conferences) have a European approach and consist of elements of the latest developments within the field of rehabilitation The choice of topics and didactic approach is within the hands of the Academy Council The language is English The initiative to organise these activities comes from the ERA and falls under the section ‘European oriented training programmes’.
Type 2 Planned International projects The activities (training courses, seminars, workshops, conferences) are based on the needs analysis They are organised upon request of all (or a cluster of various) EPR centres The activities have an international participation The language is English They can be organised under the responsibility of the ERA or an EPR member centre.
Type 3 Planned National Projects The activities (training courses, seminars, workshops, conferences) have a national orientation The activities are organised by an EPR member centre (under the umbrella of the ERA) The activity could be in the national language (but if asked for also in English)
Knowledge Management Centre (KMC) topic Documents and Presentations Training Products Projects - Experts - Services of Centres Centre
Purpose of the ERA EPR members find each other in learning and development
First step in this proces Answer the question: Do centres have needs in learning and development? If yes, what are these needs? And then, how to continue?
International needs analysis Training needs and Service needs Answer the following questions
Looking at your own department, and thinking of the dynamics within your field Are there any new developments in your field? yes no Go to next slide Do these new developments ask for new skills and new knowledge of your staff? yes no Is this new knowledge and are these new skills available on a national level? no yes do you see an international component in these areas? how can the ERA support? What can be the role of the ERA in this process? yes no Go to next slide
Looking at your own department, and thinking of the current situation Do you encounter any problems in daily work life? yesno Go to next slide Are you working on the solutions for these problems? yes no Do you see a role of the EPR / ERA in supporting you in solving these problems? no yes Do you think the EPR / ERA could be supportive in trying to solve these problems? How can the ERA support?What can be the role of the ERA in this process? yes no Go to next slide
Looking at the professionals working at your own department Do you see a need for individuals within your department to upgrade his or her knowledge and/or skills in one or more areas? yes no yes noyes no Go to next slide Is there a National offer for this specific knowledge and/or skills? How can the ERA support?Do you see an international component in these areas? Go to next slide
Looking at your own department Does your department carry out any activities to disseminate their skills and knowledge to external professionals (by means of seminars, training courses, brochures)? yes no Do you see a role for the ERA within these activities? What could be the role for the ERA within these activities? Do you see dissemination of your knowledge and skills to external professionals as a task for you (your department, the centre)? yes no yesno Go to next slide
Thank you ! Now the ERA will work out a plan for you