بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
CompositionComposition Several bones united by sutural joints, except the mandible (synovial temporo- mandibular joint). Several bones united by sutural joints, except the mandible (synovial temporo- mandibular joint). It can be divided into cranial (vault and base) and facial parts and mandible. It can be divided into cranial (vault and base) and facial parts and mandible. It has outer and inner tables (compact bone), separated by diploe (spongy bone) and covered by periosteum (pericranium and endocranium) It has outer and inner tables (compact bone), separated by diploe (spongy bone) and covered by periosteum (pericranium and endocranium) Several bones united by sutural joints, except the mandible (synovial temporo- mandibular joint). Several bones united by sutural joints, except the mandible (synovial temporo- mandibular joint). It can be divided into cranial (vault and base) and facial parts and mandible. It can be divided into cranial (vault and base) and facial parts and mandible. It has outer and inner tables (compact bone), separated by diploe (spongy bone) and covered by periosteum (pericranium and endocranium) It has outer and inner tables (compact bone), separated by diploe (spongy bone) and covered by periosteum (pericranium and endocranium)
Cranial bones Consists of the following bones: Consists of the following bones: – Frontal (single). – Parietal (paired). – Occipital (single). – Temporal (paired). – Sphenoid (single). – Ethmoid (single). Consists of the following bones: Consists of the following bones: – Frontal (single). – Parietal (paired). – Occipital (single). – Temporal (paired). – Sphenoid (single). – Ethmoid (single).
Facial Bones Consists of the following bones: Consists of the following bones: – Zygomatic (paired). – Maxillary (paired). – Nasal (paired). – Lacrimal (paired). – Vomer (single). – Palatine (paired). – Inferior concha (paired). – Mandible (single). Consists of the following bones: Consists of the following bones: – Zygomatic (paired). – Maxillary (paired). – Nasal (paired). – Lacrimal (paired). – Vomer (single). – Palatine (paired). – Inferior concha (paired). – Mandible (single).
Skull Views Skull will be studied according to the following views (normae): Skull will be studied according to the following views (normae): 1. Anterior view (norma frontalis). 2. Lateral view (norma lateralis). 3. Posterior view (norma occipitalis). 4. Superior view (norma verticalis). 5. Inferior view (norma basalis) which divides into norma basalis externa and norma basalis Interna. Skull will be studied according to the following views (normae): Skull will be studied according to the following views (normae): 1. Anterior view (norma frontalis). 2. Lateral view (norma lateralis). 3. Posterior view (norma occipitalis). 4. Superior view (norma verticalis). 5. Inferior view (norma basalis) which divides into norma basalis externa and norma basalis Interna.
Anterior View Formed of the following bones: frontal, nasal, maxillary, zygomatic and mandible. Formed of the following bones: frontal, nasal, maxillary, zygomatic and mandible. It shows the following features: superciliary arches, glabella, metopic suture, nasion, supraorbital notch (foramen), orbital margins, zygomatico-facial foramen, anterior nasal aperture, anterior nasal spine, infraorbital foramen, alveolar process, alveolar arch,. It shows the following features: superciliary arches, glabella, metopic suture, nasion, supraorbital notch (foramen), orbital margins, zygomatico-facial foramen, anterior nasal aperture, anterior nasal spine, infraorbital foramen, alveolar process, alveolar arch,. Formed of the following bones: frontal, nasal, maxillary, zygomatic and mandible. Formed of the following bones: frontal, nasal, maxillary, zygomatic and mandible. It shows the following features: superciliary arches, glabella, metopic suture, nasion, supraorbital notch (foramen), orbital margins, zygomatico-facial foramen, anterior nasal aperture, anterior nasal spine, infraorbital foramen, alveolar process, alveolar arch,. It shows the following features: superciliary arches, glabella, metopic suture, nasion, supraorbital notch (foramen), orbital margins, zygomatico-facial foramen, anterior nasal aperture, anterior nasal spine, infraorbital foramen, alveolar process, alveolar arch,.
Lateral View Formed of the following bones: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, zygomatic and sphenoid. Formed of the following bones: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, zygomatic and sphenoid. It shows the following features: coronal suture, lambdoid suture, pterion, superior & inferior temporal lines, temporal fossa, zygomatic arch, zygomatico-temporal foramen, external auditory meatus, suprameatal crest, spine and triangle, mastoid emissary foramen, mastoid process and infratemporal fossa. It shows the following features: coronal suture, lambdoid suture, pterion, superior & inferior temporal lines, temporal fossa, zygomatic arch, zygomatico-temporal foramen, external auditory meatus, suprameatal crest, spine and triangle, mastoid emissary foramen, mastoid process and infratemporal fossa. Formed of the following bones: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, zygomatic and sphenoid. Formed of the following bones: frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, zygomatic and sphenoid. It shows the following features: coronal suture, lambdoid suture, pterion, superior & inferior temporal lines, temporal fossa, zygomatic arch, zygomatico-temporal foramen, external auditory meatus, suprameatal crest, spine and triangle, mastoid emissary foramen, mastoid process and infratemporal fossa. It shows the following features: coronal suture, lambdoid suture, pterion, superior & inferior temporal lines, temporal fossa, zygomatic arch, zygomatico-temporal foramen, external auditory meatus, suprameatal crest, spine and triangle, mastoid emissary foramen, mastoid process and infratemporal fossa.
Posterior View Formed of the following bones: parietal, temporal, occipital. Formed of the following bones: parietal, temporal, occipital. It shows the following features: sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, lambda, external occipital protuberance, nuchal lines (highest, superior and inferior), external occipital crest,. It shows the following features: sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, lambda, external occipital protuberance, nuchal lines (highest, superior and inferior), external occipital crest,. Formed of the following bones: parietal, temporal, occipital. Formed of the following bones: parietal, temporal, occipital. It shows the following features: sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, lambda, external occipital protuberance, nuchal lines (highest, superior and inferior), external occipital crest,. It shows the following features: sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, lambda, external occipital protuberance, nuchal lines (highest, superior and inferior), external occipital crest,.
Superior View Formed of the following bones: frontal, parietal and occipital. Formed of the following bones: frontal, parietal and occipital. It shows the following features: coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, bregma, lambda, remnant of metopic suture, parietal emissary foramen, frontal and parietal eminences. It shows the following features: coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, bregma, lambda, remnant of metopic suture, parietal emissary foramen, frontal and parietal eminences. Formed of the following bones: frontal, parietal and occipital. Formed of the following bones: frontal, parietal and occipital. It shows the following features: coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, bregma, lambda, remnant of metopic suture, parietal emissary foramen, frontal and parietal eminences. It shows the following features: coronal suture, sagittal suture, lambdoid suture, bregma, lambda, remnant of metopic suture, parietal emissary foramen, frontal and parietal eminences.
Inferior View Formed of the following bones: maxillary, palatine, sphenoid, vomer, temporal and occipital. Formed of the following bones: maxillary, palatine, sphenoid, vomer, temporal and occipital. It shows the following features: hard palate, incisive fossa & foramen, greater & lesser palatine foramina, posterior nasal aperture, medial and lateral pterygoid plates, pterygoid hamulus, pterygoid fossa, scaphoid fossa, mandibular fossa, articular tubercle, styloid & mastoid processes, tympanic plate, pharyngeal tubercle, occipital condyles, mastoid notch, groove for occipital artery. It shows the following features: hard palate, incisive fossa & foramen, greater & lesser palatine foramina, posterior nasal aperture, medial and lateral pterygoid plates, pterygoid hamulus, pterygoid fossa, scaphoid fossa, mandibular fossa, articular tubercle, styloid & mastoid processes, tympanic plate, pharyngeal tubercle, occipital condyles, mastoid notch, groove for occipital artery. Formed of the following bones: maxillary, palatine, sphenoid, vomer, temporal and occipital. Formed of the following bones: maxillary, palatine, sphenoid, vomer, temporal and occipital. It shows the following features: hard palate, incisive fossa & foramen, greater & lesser palatine foramina, posterior nasal aperture, medial and lateral pterygoid plates, pterygoid hamulus, pterygoid fossa, scaphoid fossa, mandibular fossa, articular tubercle, styloid & mastoid processes, tympanic plate, pharyngeal tubercle, occipital condyles, mastoid notch, groove for occipital artery. It shows the following features: hard palate, incisive fossa & foramen, greater & lesser palatine foramina, posterior nasal aperture, medial and lateral pterygoid plates, pterygoid hamulus, pterygoid fossa, scaphoid fossa, mandibular fossa, articular tubercle, styloid & mastoid processes, tympanic plate, pharyngeal tubercle, occipital condyles, mastoid notch, groove for occipital artery.
Inferior View Important foramina: Important foramina: Incisive, greater & lesser palatine, ovale, spinosum, carotid canal, jugular, lacerum, hypoglossal, posterior condylar, bony part of Eustachian (auditory) tube, stylomastoid, magnum. Incisive, greater & lesser palatine, ovale, spinosum, carotid canal, jugular, lacerum, hypoglossal, posterior condylar, bony part of Eustachian (auditory) tube, stylomastoid, magnum. Important foramina: Important foramina: Incisive, greater & lesser palatine, ovale, spinosum, carotid canal, jugular, lacerum, hypoglossal, posterior condylar, bony part of Eustachian (auditory) tube, stylomastoid, magnum. Incisive, greater & lesser palatine, ovale, spinosum, carotid canal, jugular, lacerum, hypoglossal, posterior condylar, bony part of Eustachian (auditory) tube, stylomastoid, magnum.
MandibleMandible The outer surface shows the following features: Head, neck, mandibular notch, coronoid process, ramus, body, angle, oblique line, mental foramen, mental tubercle, alveolar process, symphysis menti. The outer surface shows the following features: Head, neck, mandibular notch, coronoid process, ramus, body, angle, oblique line, mental foramen, mental tubercle, alveolar process, symphysis menti. The inner surface shows the following features: pterygoid fovea, lingula, mandibular foramen, mylohyoid line and groove, submandibular fossa, sublingual fossa, digastric fossa, mental (genial) spines (2 superior and 2 inferior). The inner surface shows the following features: pterygoid fovea, lingula, mandibular foramen, mylohyoid line and groove, submandibular fossa, sublingual fossa, digastric fossa, mental (genial) spines (2 superior and 2 inferior). The outer surface shows the following features: Head, neck, mandibular notch, coronoid process, ramus, body, angle, oblique line, mental foramen, mental tubercle, alveolar process, symphysis menti. The outer surface shows the following features: Head, neck, mandibular notch, coronoid process, ramus, body, angle, oblique line, mental foramen, mental tubercle, alveolar process, symphysis menti. The inner surface shows the following features: pterygoid fovea, lingula, mandibular foramen, mylohyoid line and groove, submandibular fossa, sublingual fossa, digastric fossa, mental (genial) spines (2 superior and 2 inferior). The inner surface shows the following features: pterygoid fovea, lingula, mandibular foramen, mylohyoid line and groove, submandibular fossa, sublingual fossa, digastric fossa, mental (genial) spines (2 superior and 2 inferior).
Criteria of Neonatal Skull 1. Proportionately large cranium and small face. 2. Smooth, unilaminar, no diploe. 3. Fontanelles (anterior [closes at 18 th month] and posterior [closes between 6 th and 12th month]). 4. Ring-shaped typmanic bone. 5. Tympanic membrane is nearer to surface and is directed more inferiorly. 6. No mastoid process. 7. Mandible is not united (symphysis menti). 8. Mandibular angle is obtuse. 1. Proportionately large cranium and small face. 2. Smooth, unilaminar, no diploe. 3. Fontanelles (anterior [closes at 18 th month] and posterior [closes between 6 th and 12th month]). 4. Ring-shaped typmanic bone. 5. Tympanic membrane is nearer to surface and is directed more inferiorly. 6. No mastoid process. 7. Mandible is not united (symphysis menti). 8. Mandibular angle is obtuse.