This PowerPoint is all about the human body all about bones
Content page Bones Leg Arm Back Skull Joints Interesting facts
bones Our body has 206 bones . Some of our bones are strong, long and narrow . Our bones have different sizes and shapes each. Your body is linked together to form a skeleton . As we grow up our bones grow up with us to.
leg In your leg you have an upper leg and an lower leg . In you upper leg is the femur the femur is the longest bone in your body . And in your lower leg you have a tibia and your fibula bone . And were your knee cap is it is called patella.
arm The upper arm is your humerus . And your lower arm has two bones One of your bones are your ulna and your other bone is your radius . And when it flexed that part is called elbow.
back The 3 main parts of the spine are. Cervicale which has 7 vertebra . Thoracic which has 12 vertebra . Lumber has 5 vertebra . And your bone of your shoulder is called scapula.
skull Your cranium protects your brain like a helmet . Our cranium or skull has 6 main parts . The occipital is the very back of your head. The parietal is the middle of your head from the top. Then your frontal is right were your forehead is . The temporal is the side part of the head . And your maxilla is the bone from your nasal to your top lip . And your mandible is the bone of your jaw .
joint Our bones connect with each other called joints . they meet about 100 different spots. Ligaments are strong and stretchy cords the tied the bone together . And these help make your skeleton flexible and movable .
interesting facts Our bones are 6 times stronger then steel . Our skull is like a helmet to our brain . We have 206 bones in our body that linked together to form a skeleton . 24 curved bone 12 pairs protect your heart and lungs . Bones grow up with you . The bone in your elbow is your funny bone .