Modernization Working Group Asia-Pacific country assessment of modernization preparedness To develop a modernization advocacy strategy
Collecting the information Questionnaire presented to the last SAB-AP meeting Despatched to 58 countries in October with 4 weeks to respond 16 responses received Evenly spread across 5 sub-regions (East and North-East Asia; North and Central Asia; South-East Asia; South and South-West Asia; and Pacific)
Knowledge of modernization Key findings Level of knowledge of global modernization agenda is good at senior levels, decreases in middle and more junior levels Available websites are well recognised and used 14 countries reported attendance at meetings and conferences 9 countries reported membership of modernization committees and working groups
Knowledge of global modernization agenda
Sources of knowledge Senior Executive
Sources of knowledge Middle Management
Sources of knowledge Staff
Engagement with modernization Key findings National Strategy or plan includes modernization: 9 countries Annual work program includes modernization: 11 countries Opportunities to influence next versions of National Strategies Modernization champions
Readiness for modernization Key findings Budget Staffing and staff skills ICT systems and methodologies Knowledge Access to assistance Planning and Governance Developed relationships with other NSOs
Readiness for modernization: Budget
Readiness for modernization: Staffing and staff skills
Readiness for modernization: ICT systems and methodologies
Readiness for modernization: Knowledge
Readiness for modernization: Access to assistance
Readiness for modernization: Planning and governance
Readiness for modernization: Developed relationships with other NSO
Barriers and Drivers for modernization Barriers – Resources – financial and personnel – Expertise – Coordination between departments – Bureaucracy involved in acquisition processes Drivers – Improving official statistical processes and outcomes – Standardisation of data collection and dissemination processes – Organisational readiness – Government direction/willingness – International statistical community directions
Tools and standards to support modernization: Key findings GSBPM GSIM CSPA DDI SDMX In country standard tool or system
Standard tool or system
Big Data 7 countries reported that they had explored using big data for official statistics 7 countries reported that there was a dedicated department working on Big Data in their country 4 countries reported that they had developed a Big Data strategy