The Last Warrior Team 2 - G amers & C oders Shachi Chandrashekhar, Matt Frey, Satoshi Inoue, Chinmay Kulkarni, Darshan Shinde, Peng Ye
What is the Last Warrior? Android phone application Action Role Playing Game (RPG) Powered by Android SDK and AndEngine (OpenGL 2D-game engine) The hero (user) fights against the enemies around the created map. VS
The map is made up of a grid of painted tiles select from a tile set. The camera can pan around the entirety of the map and tiles can be assigned various properties to cause interactions with game entities, such as spawning a monster at that location or preventing entities from passing through solid textures. TMX Tiled Map
Collisions in the World Tiles intended to be impenetrable are given the ‘solid property’. Game logic prevents entities from passing through them by stopping them when a predicted move would place the bounding rectangle inside a ‘solid’ tile.
When player and enemy bounding boxes overlap a collision is detected and the player takes damage When the player attacks, coordinate math is used to see if a monster is in range and the 2D vector between the two entities is used to determine if the player is facing the right direction. If proper conditions are met, the monster gets hit. Entity Interaction
Android SDKAndEngine View + List View + Text View (Start menu) Menu + Menu Item (In-game menu) Character Name (Prompt) Analog On Screen Control (Joy-stick) Text / Changeable Text (Name, HP, Score) Tiled Sprite (Attack button) TMX Tiled Map (The Map) Animated Sprites (inherited into our customized classes to create characters) Splash Screen Activity (Opening screen) GUI Components
Goals and Results We wanted to implement: Multiple levels Several intricate attacks and animations Many enemies Item pickups We ended up implementing: One level Basic attack features Three enemies
Challenges and Issues Android and AndEngine platforms are very dense, took considerable time to learn. Short development time and high learning curve created a trial and error development cycle with continual learning and reimplementation of features. PC emulator runs very slow and causes compatibility issues when using a real phone.
Opening theme design is done by Kwadwo Amo Mensah